Administrative agreement with LLC "Tyumen Petrolium Scientific Center”: Microtomographic researches of rock stratum in The Bazheno-Abalakskij Complex of the Em-Yogovskaya oil field.



Grant from the Russian Fundamental Research Fund: Rescaling of porosity and permeability characteristics of porous media from digital images by means of the X-Ray Computed Microtomography Method;

Grant from the Russian Fundamental Research Fund: Multidisciplinary research of the Middle-Age silver Coins from Volga Bulgaria archeological artifacts;

Administrative agreement with Housing Construction Co-operative “KFU campus: Engineering and geological research to design and build the Cottage estate;

Administrative agreement with JSC "Geologika": Microtomographic voids research of samples.

Administrative agreement with LLC "Promperforator": Microtomographic and geochemical researches of the sample material;

Administrative agreement with LLC Expert and Manufacturing Center “Truboprodservice”: Laboratory research of physical and mechanical composition and corrosion properties of soil samples, chemical composition of surface and groundwater samples, which were selected by the customer during the process of engineering researches;

Administrative agreement with JSC “Institute "Tatdorprojekt": Work performance within engineering and geological researches for the object: Road building Moscow-Kazan-Ekaterinburg (High-speed network-2);

Administrative agreement with the Investigation office of the Russian Federation Investigative Committee in the Ulyanovsk Region: Industrial and technical, building, geological, geophisycal, geodesic, forensic examination