The Department of Regional Geology and Mineral Deposits was established in 2007 as the result of the merger of the Department of Regional Geology and the Department of Mineral Deposits  and Prospecting. The Department supervises baccalaureate in geology.

The major scientific achievements are: establishing correlation of facies (N.Golovkintsev), basics of cyclo-stratigraphic analysis (М.Noinsky), discovery of Kungur layer (А.Shtukenberg), discovery Ufa and Kazan layers (А.Nechaev).

The department employs 13 faculty members, including 3 DScs and 7 PhDs.

The main research area is subsurface geology and mineral resources of the Volga-Ural region.

The department administers petrographic and mineragraphic classes, X-Ray and Electrom Microscopy Lab, Spectral Analysis Lab.

Main research areas:


head of the department of regional geology and mineral deposits

(843) 292-52-60