Gafur Masgutovich Sungatov,

Republican Centre for the Development of Traditional Culture,

66/33 Pushkin Str., Kazan, 420015, Russia,

Fanzilya Khakimovna Zavgarova,

Republican Centre for the Development of Traditional Culture,

66/33 Pushkin Str., Kazan, 420015, Russia,


The collection titled “Baraba Tatars. Chapters of Intellectual Culture” by F.Yu.Yusupov, F.S.Sayfulina, O.R.Khisamov and I.R.Gumerov deals with the ethnic history and the features of language, traditions, and everyday life of Baraba Tatars, who live in Siberia. The collection includes a scientific and analytical article about the origin of Baraba Tatars, and describes their close linkage with other Turkic tribes of West Siberia since ancient times. Besides the materials which the authors collected in different periods of their research, the collection is supplemented with songs recorded by such scholars as V.V.Radlov, L.V.Dmitrieva, D.G.Tumasheva, and composer A.Klyucharev, who studied Tatar folk music. The collection contains samples of the authentic speech of Baraba Tatars, whose population has been shrinking annually and today, they are among the endangered peoples of Russia. This work provides an opportunity to notice and learn phonetic, lexical and grammatical distinctive features of the Baraba dialect for training broad-minded and well-educated philologists. The collection is also important for historians, ethnographers and those who explore the intellectual culture of the nation.

Key words: folklore, Siberian Tatars, the Tatar language, intellectual culture. 

