Firaz Fakhrazovich Kharisov,

Kazan Federal University,

18 Kremlyovskaya Str., Kazan, 420008, Russia,


Currently, modern technologies in teaching are used on a regular basis. This means that the use of new technical devices and the development of new thinking in teaching and learning lead to the improvement of quality in education by means of new methods and techniques. The purpose of teachers is to boost students’ cognitive activity in Tatar lessons, to enhance student motivation to learn the language and to develop students’ cultural, linguistic, and communicative competences on the basis of the existing syllabus. Consequently, teachers should be able to choose appropriate information and communicative technologies in accordance with the goals and objectives of learning. The aim of this article is to generalize and systematize modern educational technologies and to prove their effectiveness in teaching and learning. By introducing innovative technologies in educational space we increase the objectivity of data on quality in education which enables necessary amendments to its management and creates conditions for enhancing motivation in language learning. The article discusses both traditional and innovative concepts, reveals features of their use in education, and emphasizes the effectiveness of used modern technologies in learning Tatar.

Key words: tradition, modern technology, education, innovation, technology, Internet resource, textbook, personal computer. 

