Iltany Iskhakovna Ilyalova,

Kazan State University of Culture and Arts,

3 Orenburg Тract, Kazan, 420096, Russia,


In the early 20th century William Shakespeare's tragedies, such as Hamlet and Othello were staged at the Tatar theatre. During the century the Tatar audience in the National Theatre could see new productions of King Lear, Romeo and Juliet and Antony and Cleopatra and the latter two were released twice. Brilliant directors and actors created these wonderful productions, performing Shakespeare’s tragedies with great talent. At the beginning of the 21st century in 2011, 2012, 2014, three Tatar theatres – the Almetyevsk Tatar State Drama Theatre, Karim Tinchurin Tatar State Theatre of Drama and Comedy and Galiaskar Kamal Tatar Academic Theatre – staged Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and Richard III1. The significance of Shakespeare productions on the Tatar stage refers to unique approaches in directing, meeting the urgent issues of our time, and highly professional acting.

Key words: tragedy, mass scenes, registration, opposition, directing, acting performance. 

