Ayslu Sharipzyanovna Kabirova,

Tatarstan Academy of Sciences Sh.Mardzhani Institute of History,

Entrance 5, Kremlin, Kazan, 420014,

Russia, aikabirova@mail.ru.


The article deals with the Tatar national factor as an element of ideological liberalization during the war, which was, along with state-patriotic ideas and a religious revival, actively used by the authorities to raise the spirits of people in the struggle against Nazism. The effect of the Tatar factor manifested itself both on the home front (in the works of the humanitarian intelligentsia, personnel policies, etc.), and on the fronts of the war through the issuance of front-line newspapers in the Tatar language, a letter-writing campaign for Tatar veterans, etc. The development of a new ideological vector was interrupted by the Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on August 9, 1944. “On the status and measures of improving mass political and ideological work in the Tatar party organization”, in which the leaders of Tatarstan were accused of “nationalistic mistakes”.

Key words: ideology, liberalization, Tatar national factor, Edigey, Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on August 9, 1944. 

