Khatyp Yusupovich Minnegulov,

Kazan Federal University,

18 Kremlovskaya Str., Kazan, 420008, Russia,


Turkic-Tatar literature of the 10th-13th centuries, the period of the Middle Ages, originated on the basis of ancient Turkic oral art and folklore. Arabic and Persian literature, as well as Uyghur, Ottoman, Uzbek and other Turkic literatures played a significant role in its development. This article highlights the chronological framework of the Turkic-Tatar oral arts of the Middle Ages and their main stages (the early and late Middle Ages, Bulgar, the Golden Horde, the Khanate of Kazan and other periods), analyzes the works of outstanding writers, and identifies the main trends and poetic features of Tatar literature in the Middle Ages.

Key words: Turkic-Tatar literature, oral folk arts of the Middle Ages, Arabic and Persian classics, the East, stages of development, literary links, genres. 

