Gulshat Raisovna Galiullina,

Kazan Federal University,

18 Kremlevskaya Str., Kazan, 420008, Russia,

Alfiya Shaukatovna Yusupova,

Kazan Federal University,

18 Kremlevskaya Str., Kazan, 420008, Russia,


The article describes the scientific research of the outstanding educator, prominent scholar and encyclopaedist Kayum Nasyri in the area of Tatar linguistics. We know nine works by the scholar dedicated to different aspects of Tatar linguistics. It is necessary to specifically mention such works as Anmuzazh, one of the first grammars of Turkic languages which presents the rich scientific heritage of the Tatar language, a two-volume explanatory dictionary Lehzhei tatari, and the collection of spelling rules Kawagyide kitabet1. Unlike previous scientific publications, K.Nasyri’s work did not follow the structure of Arab or Russian grammars, it tended to move away from the habitual and slightly outdated des­criptions of linguistic facts. His most important achievement is the development of language norms and rules, based on the widespread models in the national spoken language. In general, K.Nasyri’s research into linguistics is found in the following areas: lexis, grammar, terminology, etymology, and phonetics. In this article, we describe the scholar’s studies in the areas of Tatar semasiology, onomastics, and lexicography.

Key words: the Tatar language, Kayum Nasyri, lexicology, lexicography, onomastica, terminology, spiritual culture of the Tatars. 

