Experiments on the SURA heating bench (N. Novgorod) to study the properties of artificial ionospheric irregularities with transverse dimensions of 50-200 m, which until recently were little studied.
    Study of the properties of artificial wave disturbances excited during the operation of the SURA stand, using the unique possibility of including in the measurements of the GPS / GLONASS network of receivers in the Middle Volga and Tatarstan.
   Isolation of responses from distant and powerful earthquakes on ionograms and interpretation of these signatures.
   Using the data of the complex of equipment, consisting of its own network of very closely located (from 100 m to 40 km) GPS-GLONASS reception stations and meteorological stations, a detailed study of the spatial structure of mesoscale tropospheric processes, theoretical developments in the field of satellite monitoring of the atmosphere. Development of empirical models of mesoscale processes. Assessment of atmospheric parameters (integral moisture content) and study of atmospheric inhomogeneities.