Liliya Garifullovna Safiullina,

Kazan Federal University,

18 Kremlevskaya Str., Kazan, 420008, Russia,


The review surveys the First Festival of Tatar Music “Miras” named after Nazib Zhiganov, which took place in Kazan in February, 2016. The aim of the festival was to strengthen the positions of Tatar Art of Music in contemporary artistic environment and information space.The works of Nazib Zhiganov, Salih Saydashv, Farid and Zagidulla Yarullin, Rustem Yakhin, Shamil Sharifullin, Almaz Monasypov, Rashid Kalimullin, Rezeda Ahiyarova and Leonid Lyubovskyi sounded at the concerts of the festival.

Key words: Tatar music, “Miras”, festival named after Nazib Zhiganov, national art. 

