Kadriya Sungatova Fatkhullova,

Kazan Federal University,

18 Kremlevskaya Str., Kazan, 420008, Russia,



The paper provides information about methodological features of Tatar language distance learning, and reviews the context, aims and objectives of the course. It also throws light upon the structure of distance learning courses of the Tatar language, and their methods and types of exercises, and highlights the influence of the course on interpersonal and intercultural communication. In modern conditions, distance-learning courses and their methods of teaching are of great interest due to the opportunity for using graphics, text, video, animation and sound effects. The program of distance learning courses involves self-mastering vocabulary and grammar, and practising the skills of listening, reading and writing. It views speech training and writing as a holistic methodical system. Members of this online school participate in real-life conversational classes, meet people living in different parts of the world, communicate with each other and share their opinions. As a result, communicative competence is formed.

Key words: linguistic methodology, Tatar language, way of communication, distance learning, online school, communicative competence, kinds of speech activity, level test. 

