Gulfiya Maratovna Talipova,

Tyumen State University,

10 Semakova Str., Tyumen, 625003, Russia,

Flera Sagitovna Sayfulina,

Kazan Federal University,

18 Kremlevskaya Str., Kazan, 420008, Russia,


This paper aims to describe the peculiarities of the picture of the world that exists in the Tatar literature of Siberia. The characteristic features of Tatar-Siberian mentality and its authors’ individual perceptions of the world depicted in the fictional narrative are studied in the works of Siberian-Tatar writers – the playwright Yakub Zankiyev; and, the poets Bulat Suleymanov and Shaukat Gadelsha. The psychological portrait of the Siberian-Tatars, the moral and ethical rules of their lives and their attitudes towards the world and nature are at the centre of their literary images. Their reference to Siberian folklore, its rich history and historical figures, and unique mythology also enrich the picture of the world. As it is written in such a geographically unique area and characterized by its particular features, this regional literature describes its unique literary heritage.

Key words: Tatar literature, Siberian-Tatars, national literature, regional literature, literary picture of the world. 

