published in 2017:

1. Ziganshina LE Cerebrolysin for acute ischaemic stroke/Ziganshina LE, Abakumova T, Vernay L. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews/- 2017/- Issue 4.- Art. No.: CD007026. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD007026.pub5

2. Ziganshina Liliya Eugenevna. Cerebrolysin for Acute Ischemic Stroke/ Liliya Eugenevna Ziganshina, Tatyana Abakumova, Ludivine Vernay// Stroke. 2017;48:e245-e246 doi: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.117.017841                   

3. Ziganshina LE. Gabapentin monotherapy for epilepsy (Protocol)/ Ziganshina LE, Gamirova R, Abakumova T. // Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017 , Issue 6 . Art. No.: CD012710. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD012710

4.Ziganshina LEJørgensen KJCochrane working group in Kazan The first ever Cochrane event in Russia and Russian speaking countries - Cochrane Russia Launch - Evidence-based medicine: Achievements and barriers (QiQUM 2015) International Conference, Kazan, December 7-8, 2015. /Int J Risk Saf Med. 2016;28(4):221-226. doi: 10.3233/JRS-170732.

5. Titarenko A., Valeeva I., Ziganshina L. Does Acute Pharmacological Test with Indomethacin Affect Nitrite Ion Blood Level? /BioNanoSci. (2017) 7: 366.

6. Khaziakhmetova, V., Baiysbekov, K., Torobekov, S. et al.The Effects of Haloperidol on Acute Carrageenan-Induced Inflammation/  BioNanoSci. (2017) 7: 442.

7. Khaziakhmetova, V., Miryakupova, S., Dzhamalbekov, A. et al. The Effects of Haloperidol on the Progression of Chronic Autoimmune Inflammation Induced by Freund's Adjuvant / BioNanoSci. (2017) 7: 428.

8.  Ziganshin B.A., Giniyatova L.R., Slavin D.A., Kamaliev R.R., Ziganshina A.P., Spasov A.A., Dzhordzhikiya R.K., Ziganshin A.U. The Role of P2 Receptor-Mediated Component in Neurogenic Tone Control of Human Great Saphenous Vein / Medical Technologies in Medicine / Sovremennye Tehnologii v Medicine. 2017, Vol. 9 Issue 1, p85-91​

9. Cong, H., Sibgatullina, R., Latypova, L. et al. Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Novel (S)-Naproxen Derivatives / BioNanoSci. (2017) 7: 189.

10.  A. Korableva, A & V. Yudina, E & Ziganshina, Lilia. (2017). Efficacy of Management for Rational Use of Antibiotics in Surgical Departments at a Multi-Disciplinary Hospital: Results of a 7-year Pharmacoepidemiological Research. Annals of the Russian academy of medical sciences. 72. 26-32. DOI:

11Евстигнеев С.В. Оценка потребления антибактериальных лекарственных средств в многопрофильном стационаре, проведенная по методологии ATC/DDD анализа/С.В. Евстигнеев, Э.Г. Александрова, Т.Р. Абакумова, А.А.Кораблева, А.Ф. Титаренко, В.Н. Хазиахметова, Л.Е. Зиганшина/Журнал научных статей здоровье и образование в XXI веке.-2017.- т. 19.-№ 7.-С.131-137.  

12Абакумова Т.Р. Доказательства Кокрейн в здравоохранении и образовании / Абакумова Т.Р., Александрова Э.Г., Габдрахманов А.И., Зиганшина Л.Е., Конг Х. Х., Кораблева А.А., Таштанбекова Ч.Б., Титаренко А.Ф., Хазиахметова В.Н., Юдина Е.В. //Дневник казанской медицинской школы.-М.:ООО Медицинский издательский дом «Инициатива«.-2017.-I (XV) .-С.93-95. elibrary_28984446_80394570.pdf 


published before 2017:

Cochrane reviews:

Fluoroquinolones for treating tuberculosis (presumed drug-sensitive)

Substituting or adding fluoroquinolones to established first-line antituberculous drug regimens gives no additional benefit or risks

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria. Over two billion people worldwide are believed to be latently infected with TB and approximately 10% of these people will develop active TB later in life. The World Health Organization currently only recommend treatment with fluoroquinolones for patients who cannot take standard first-line drugs. In this review, we examined the effect of including fluoroquinolones in first-line treatment regimens on people with presumed drug-sensitive tuberculosis....

Cerebrolysin for acute ischaemic stroke

Review question

Are there any benefits of using Cerebrolysin to treat people with acute ischaemic stroke, and are there any risks?


Cerebrolysin, a mixture derived from pig brain tissue, is widely used in Russia, China, and other Asian and post-Soviet countries. We assessed evidence from randomised controlled trials (RCTs) investigating Cerebrolysin in people with acute ischaemic stroke.

Study characteristics

We included one RCT performed in eight centres in Austria, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. The trial compared Cerebrolysin with placebo in people with acute ischaemic stroke. Cerebrolysin was started within 24 hours of stroke onset and continued for 21 days as a once-daily intravenous infusion of 50 mL. ...

Previous publications


  "Большой справочник лекарственных средств"[Bol'shoy spravochnik lekarstvennykh sredstv] 

   Ed. L.E. Ziganshina, V.K. Lepakhina, V.I. Petrova, R.U. Khabriev