Department of Quantum Electronics and Radiospectroscopy together with Scientific-and-research laboratory of Magnetic Radiospectroscopy and Quantum Electronics (MRS Lab) teach students and masters specializing in the field of Radiophysics .

The Department and MRS Lab are structural units of Radiophysics and Information Systems division of the Institute of Physics.

Professor Tagirov Murat Salikhovich is the head of the Department.

Specialization of Bachelor's Courses:

Specialization of Master's Courses:

Kazan University is the world centre of radiospectroscopy, and the Department is one of the centres of student training in the field of magnetic resonance and physics of solid-state laser. The Magnetic radio spectroscopy and quantum electronics laboratory, which is the largest in the University, is organized under this Department. Education got at the Department complies with the level of leading European and US universities.

Students studying at this Department get fundamental modern education and can fully open their aptitudes as experimental physicists, theorists, biophysicists and specialists in computers. Starting from the first years they can actively take part in scientific-and-research work, publish their articles in scientific editions, get young people's grants and scholarships, participate in international student exchange programs.

As usual, graduates of our Department (and during the life of the Department graduates numbered over 650) have no problems with employment. They work in different fields of science and engineering: physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, geology, NMR-tomography, quantum electronics, computer engineering.

A great number of graduates of the Department work in Kazan Institute of Physics and Engineering named after Ye. K. Zavoyskiy, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Institute of Organic Chemistry and other scientific and teachers training establishments of Kazan. Many of them work in foreign universities in Germany, Switzerland, Holland, France, USA, Israel and Japan.