1. Shaikhitdinova S.K. Publication of a blogger: diary self-expression or a way of manipulation?  For the experience of informational argument investigation in the Internet // Bulletin of economics, law and sociology. – January-February-March 1. 2012. – P.371-375. 


2. Bakanov R.P. Ways of giving information in the creative work of the television critic Slava Taroshchina // Scientific bulletins of Belgorod State University. Humanities. Issue  14. - Belgorod: Publishing house of BSU, 2012. (the article is accepted for publication, the date of magazine’s publication- December 2012).

3. Bik-Bulatov A.Sh. The concept “nihilism” in the public discourses of the journalism at the end of the 80th – 90th of the 20th century // Proceedings of Kazan University. Humanities.  – Kazan: KFU, 2011. – V. 153, book. 5, part: journalism. – P. 190–197.

4. Andreeva Yu.V. Self-development as the personal growth in the context of psychological and pedagogical strategies // Education and self-development №6(34),  Kazan, CIT, 3-9 p.

5. Shaikhitdinova S.K. Publication of a blogger: diary self-expression or a way of manipulation?  For the experience of informational argument investigation in the Internet // Bulletin of economics, law and sociology.  

6. Bakanov R.P. The function of the media critic: the convergence of roles and skills // Mediaconvergence and «personal situation»: new challenges, old problems. To assist the journalism lecturer: manual / edited by. S.К. Shaikhitdinova. - Kazan: Kazan university, 2012. - P. 111-128.

7. Bakanov R.P. Institutionalization and professionalization of television of Kazan University at present stage // Informational field of modern Russia: practice and effects: Materials of the 9th International Research and Practice Conference (18-20 October, 2012) / edited by R.P.Bakanov: 2 Volumes. - V. 2. - Kazan: Kazan University, 2012. - P. 350-373.

8. Bakanov R.P. Media criticism in conditions of reforms in Russian journalism  // Journalism of post-Soviet republics: 20 years later. Collection of Papers of the International Scientific and research conference (Belgorod, 24-27 September, 2012) / edited by prof. A.P. Korochensky and prof. M.Yu. Kozak. - Belgorod: CONSTANTA, 2012. - P. 100-109.

9. Bakanov R.P. The television of Kazan State University: the results of content analysis // Sign: the problematic field of media education: Academic periodical. -Chelyabinsk, 2012. - № 1 (9). – P. 30-34.

10. Bakanov R.P. Corporate media criticism in Russia in the 2000s. // Proceedings of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference // Humanities and social sciences, and education. Part III / Exe­cutive editors: Lebedeva S.N. Isakova T.B., Zhitenev T.E., Starinnova T.B., Denisova G.L. – Togliatti: Tatishchev V.N. Volzhsk University, 2012. – p. 136-144.

11. Bakanov R.P., Kadochnikova K.A. Modern problems of broadcasting in creative writing of television critics of federal publications // Proceedings of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Tatishchev read: actual problems of science and practice" // Humanities and social sciences, and education. Part III / Exe­cutive editors: Lebedeva S.N. Isakova T.B., Zhitenev T.E., Starinnova T.B., Denisova G.L. – Togliatti: Tatishchev V.N. Volzhsk University, 2012. – p. 214-222.

12. Bakanov R.P. Value systems in the author's position of the television critic Alexander Kondrashov // Region Information Space: Past, Present and Contemporary Issues: a collection of scientific articles and proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference (with international participation), Cheboksary, October 26-28, 2011 / scientific editor: Prof. Subbotina M.V.; Exe­cutive editors: Vakku G.V., Volkova A.G. – Cheboksary, Chuvashia State Teacher-training University Press, 2012. – p. 11-15.

13. Bakanov R.P. Background of television criticism as the area in the federal press of Russia // The history of the regional television in the context of the challenges of modern times: a collection of scientific articles. – URL: http://www.kpfu.ru/docs/F1245423208/bakanov.pdf

14. Bakanov R.P. The forms of practical training of the students of the journalism department of the Kazan University in the classroom // Journalism 2012: situation, problems and prospects: Proceedings of the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference / Exe­cutive editor: Dubovik S.V. – Issue 13. – Minsk: BSU, 2012.

15. Bakanov R.P. Konstantin Kovalev-Sluchevsky – television critic of the "Literary newspaper" // VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Contemporary issues of journalism in a globalized information society": a collection of scientific articles. – Chelyabinsk: SUSU, 2012.

16. Bakanov R.P. The functions of television critics in "Komsomolskaya Pravda" // VI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Multimedia journalism in Eurasia-2012: International media projects, a global network and IT trends of East and West".

17. Bik-Bulatov A.S. The theme of "dual power" in Russian journalism in the spring and autumn of 1917 // Region Information Space: Past, Present and Contemporary Issues. – Cheboksary, Chuvashia State Teacher-training University Press, 2012. – p. 23-28.

18. Shakirov A.I. The impact on the PR and advertising materials on media content // Proceedings of the XVI All-Russian Conference of heads of departments of advertising, public relations and related disciplines. – Moscow: PC PressKorp, 2012. – p. 261-266.

19. Shakirov A.I. Multimedia journalism in a multimedia world // Collection of scientific articles and proceedings of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Multimedia journalism of Eurasia." – Kazan: KFU, 2011. – p. 281-285.

20. Shakirov A.I. Interpretation as the construction of social reality // Proceedings of the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference, May 25-26, 2012 "Social ontology in the structure of theoretical knowledge." – Izhevsk, "Udmurtia University", 2012. – p. 79-83.

21. Shakirov A.I. People in the present situation of the mass media // Proceedings of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Information field of modern Russia". – Kazan: KFU, 2012. – p. 547-553.

22. Shakirov A.I. The system of social and philosophical issues in Russia and China: modern conception // Proceedings of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference “Russia and China: history and culture”, Kazan, October 10-13, 2012, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University.

23. Andreeva Y.V. Moral issues of professional competition and educational strategies of student’s personal development // Innovativeness, competitiveness and personal development in modernization process of teacher training education, Collection of scientific articles the International Scientific Conference marking the 200 anniversary of teacher training education in KFU. -  Kazan, IT centre, p. 664, P. 13-16.

24. Andreeva Y.V. Actualization and investigation of the problem of training the journalism department student as a competitive personality // XXI century Vocational education and training, development strategies and aspects:  international cooperation. The International Scientific and Practical Conference. Novosibirsk, STU, 2012, 263 p., P. 81-84.

25. Simkacheva M.V., Akhmetzyanova L.K. Government and MSM: e-Government as a phenomenon of media convergence // Public relations in government institutions. - 2012, №1.- P.13 - 19.

26. Tumanov D.V. World-text as the principle of mass media convergence // Media convergence and “human situation”: New challenges, old problems. – Kazan: Kazan University, 2012. – P.47-61.

27. Tumanov D.V. Knowledge society in globalization process // Region Information Space: Past, Present and Contemporary Issues. – Cheboksary, 2012. – P.222-228.

28. Yatsyk A. V. Popularity in reality TV: democratization, banalization and (quasi)interactivity / Media convergence and “human situation”: for lecturers. Collector and editor S.K. Shajhitdinova. Kazan: Kazan University, 2012. P.85-93

29. Yatsyk A. V. City in theory: space evaluation experience Moscow: New literary review, 2011. 520 p. ISBN 978 -5-8679-3823-9. // Laboratorium. 2012. No 1: 100-103 (review)

30. Yatsyk A. V. Cultural heritage of Kazan: public activists, citizens and authorities discourse (adapted from the expert interview and poll 2011-2012) / Proceedings of the I International Scientific and Practical Conference “Cultural heritage in the XXI century: conservation, usage and popularization”. Kazan: KSUAE, 2012. P. 113-128

31. Bakanov R.P. The forms of practical training of the journalism department students of the Kazan University in the classroom // Journalism 2012: situation, problems and prospects: Proceedings of the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference / Exe­cutive editor: Dubovik S.V. – Issue 13. – Minsk: BSU, 2012.

32. Bik-Bulatov A.Sh. Missions of the Universities: discussion and aspects // Topos, 2012, № 1. - P.11-115.