Abdullin Timur Ildarovich

 Head of laboratory, Leading Researcher,  Associate Professor of   the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of the   Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology of Kazan Federal   University, PhD.

 h-index = 14

 E-mail: tabdulli@gmail.com

 Garifullin Ruslan Ildarovich

 Senior Researcher, PhD

 Salakhieva Diana Vital'evna

 Senior Researcher, PhD

​ Zoughaib Mohamed

 Senior Researcher, PhD

 Ishkaeva Rezeda Anasovna

 Senior Researcher, PhD

 Salikhova Taliya Ilshatovna

 Junior Researcher

 Ergeshov Abdulla Arslanovich

 Junior Researcher

 Kamalov Marat Ilyasovich

 Junior Researcher

 Kuznetsova Elena Vladimirovna

 Junior Researcher