Head of the Department –professor Ayrat G. Sitdikov.
The Department carries out training of students in two Master's and two Bachelor's programmes:
46.04.03 – Anthropology and Ethnology (Head of the Master's programme –Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor T.A. Titova).
030600.68 – History (Archaeology) (Head of the Master's programme – Doctor of Historical Sciences, associate professor L.F. Nedashkovskiy).
46.03.01 – History (Archaeology) (Head of the Bachelor's programme –Doctor of Historical Sciences, Head of the Department A.G. Sitdikov)/
46.04.03 – Anthropology and Ethnology (Head of the Bachelor's programme –Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor T.A. Titova).
The Department also carries out training of specialists in the postgraduate program: 07.00.07 – “Ethnography, Ethnology and Anthropology”. Professors training postgraduate students are G.R. Stolyarova (Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor) and T.A. Titova (Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor).
Research work:
Archaeological research of the Volga Region sites. Medieval cities: craft, trade and culture.
Golden Horde archaeology of the Lower Volga Region.
Problems of ethnic archaeology of the Volga and Kama Region.
Strategy and practice of implementation of ethnicity in a multicultural region.
The main topics of archaeological and ethnographic research:
Archaeology of medieval monuments of the Lower Volga Region (A.G. Sitdikov, A.G. Muhamadiev).
Study of the Golden Horde city Ukek and its surroundings (L.F. Nedashkovskiy).
Interethnic relations in the multicultural space (T.A. Titova, G.R. Stolyarova, V.E. Kozlov).
Research expeditions:
Together with the universities of the USA (Chicago, Madison), Great Britain (Durham) and Hungary the Department of Archaeology and Ethnology of KFU implements common research projects.
The Department has the following scientific circles:
“Archaeological circle” (Head of the circle – S.I. Valiullina, classes are held on Tuesdays (twice a month) at 17.00 in room 109).
"Ethnoforum" (M.V. Vyatchina, classes are held on Wednesdays at 17.00 at the Ethnographic Museum of KFU).