The materials of lectures of leading scientists for students and postgraduates of Kazan Federal University


"Transgenic plants. Introduction to CRISPR"

Main researcher of molecular biology laboratory KIIB KSC RAS, PhD in biology., Gorshkov V.

The lecture covers the issues of editing genomes of plants, as well as approaches to modify the expression levels of individual genes using genetic engineering. In addition, the fundamental and applied aspects of creating transgenic plants.

Presentation of lecture

"The emphasis on complex carbohydrates in the post-genomic era"

Head of laboratory of mechanisms of growth of plant cells, KIBB KSC RAS , DSc in biology, Professor, Gorshkova T.

In the lecture are considered the study of complex carbohydrates, including their formation mechanisms, properties of determinants, the functional role and potential use.

Presentation of lecture

"Long non-coding RNA"

Head laboratories of molecular biology, KIBB KSC RAS, DSc in biology, Gogolev Y.

Discovery of regulatory proteins and signaling cascades that control the activity of genes, was one of the most significant achievements of the twentieth century. It is likely that the study of non-coding RNA will be a bright page in scientific annals of the twenty-first century. To date, much is known about microRNAs and small interfering RNA. At the same time, the role of a large number of long non-coding RNAS in the trans­criptome of pro - and eukaryotes remains unclear.

Presentation of lecture

"Biochemistry of hemostasis and thrombosis"

Lead researcher of the laboratory "Protein-cell interaction" KFU, Professor, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, DSc in biology, Litvinov R.

In a series of lectures covered the biochemistry of blood coagulation; molecular and cellular mechanisms of hemostasis and thrombosis; structure and properties of fibrinogen and fibrin; receptor-ligand interaction integrins platelet with fibrinogen, fibrin and osteopontin, and fibronectin; kinetics and thermodynamics of single protein-protein bimodally; nanomechanics of single protein molecules; structural biomechanics/rheology of fibrin clots and thrombi.

Presentation of lecture

Video of lecture

"Introduction to molecular pathology"

Lead researcher of the laboratory "Protein-cell interaction", KFU, Professor, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, DSc in biology, Litvinov R.

In a series of lectures will highlight the most actual problems of molecular pathology, including disorders of cholesterol metabolism, neurodegenerative diseases, pathology of immune system and hemostasis disorders.

Presentation of lecture

Video of lecture

"The study of ribosomes and protein synthesis by methods of structural biology"

Researcher of the laboratory "Structural biology" of the IFMiB KFU; Institute of Genetics, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Strasbourg, France, PhD in biology, Khusainov, I., honorary doctor of KFU Yusupov M.

The lecture will cover issues of modern scientific research of laboratories "Ribosome structure and function"

Presentation of lecture

"Introduction to systems biology: System computational biology: applied and fundamental aspects"

Head of research laboratory "Molecular basis of the pathogenesis of neoplastic diseases". PhD Assistant Professor (h-index-21), Fox Chase Cancer Center FCCC, USA, DSc in chemistry, Serebrisky I.

In a series of lectures covered the issues of system computational biology: applied and fundamental aspects. The concept of gene network. Classes of functional structures and events that important to the functioning of gene networks. The database GeneNet: computer reconstruction and des­cription of genetic networks based on experimental data.

"Supramolecular chemistry: fundamental studies and applications to molecular biology, pharmacology and medicine"

Head of laboratory of biophysical chemistry of nanosystems, KIBB KSC RAS, DSc. Zuev Y.

A brief digression into the structure and function of biomacromolecule. Self-organized lipid-based microstructures. Systems of targeted drug delivery. Targeted delivery of genetic material. Transfection. Auxiliary proteins. The chaperones. The relationship of structure-function for potential tools of anticancer therapy.

Presentation of lecture

System parasite/host: norm or pathology?

Lead researcher of the laboratory of molecular biology KIIB KSC RAS, PhD, Gorshkov V.

in the lecture are considered the fundamental principles of interaction of pathogens and higher organisms. The questions of the physiological integration of plants and microorganisms, leading to the formation of the complex " supraorganismal " systems that are natural and even necessary elements of natural ecosystems.

Presentation of lecture

"Biochemical strategies of stress: run or fight?"

Head. laboratory of redox metabolism, KIBB KSC RAS, DSc in biology, Minibaeva F.

The lecture is devoted to stress. Do we know what is stress? How can it be measured? What are the strategies of stress response? Will discuss the nonspecific and specific stress response. Special attention is paid to the role of reactive oxygen species: oxidative burst against oxidative stress.

 Presentation of lecture