As a part of CAE "7P Translational medicine" carried out professional training on the biological and medical directions, medical chemistry, medical physics and clinical linguistics.

Biological direction includes:

Bachelor's degree (individual educational trajectory - biochemistry and biotechnology, cell and molecular biology, genetics and evolutionary biology, Microbiology, physiology and neurobiology) – 599 (42 for.) people;

Master's degree (Microbiology and Virology, biochemistry and molecular biology, genetics, biomedical science, bioinformatics, neurobiology, pharmacology, information technologies in pharmacology. Totaly  16 programs, including 3 in English, 1 ("Human and animal Physiology") in network form with the participation of 5 Federal Universities, 1 has international accreditation "Neuroscience") – 100 (32 for.) people;

Postgraduate studies (9 specialties) – 145 (26 foreigners).

Healthcare and medical science:

Since 2013 implemented six programs specialties:

General medicine (including English medium) – 394 (103) people;

Dentistry (including English medium) – 159 (30) people;

Pharmacy – 55 people;

Medical biochemistry – 42 people;

Medical Biophysics – 23 people;

Medical Cybernetics – 31 people.

Russia's first dual degree Master's program with the University of Strasbourg "Chemoinformatics and molecular modeling", which has international accreditation (9 persons).