
Institute of fundamental medicine and biology

Rushan Sabirov

Deputy Director of development, IFMiB KFU

Head of the Department of Zoology and General biology,  PhD, associate Professor;

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Institute of fundamental medicine and biology

Anisa Gumerova

Deputy Director in educational activities, IFMiB KFU

Leading researcher of inter-departmental radiological laboratory, Professor, PhD;

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Medical physics

Institute of physics

Albert Aganov

Head of the Department of medical physics; lead researcher of the laboratory of NMR, Professor, Ph. D.

Personal page on the portal KFU

Medical chemistry

Chemical Institute. A. M. Butlerov

Konstantin Balakin

Lead engineer of Science-educational center Pharmaceuticals. Lead researcher of the laboratory of synthetic physiologically active substances

Personal page on the portal KFU

IT in medicine

Higher school of information technology and information systems (ITIS)

Vlada Kugurakova

The head of the laboratory "Virtual and simulation technologies in Biomedicine" (SIM); Director of Digital Media Lab – training laboratory of visualization and game development higher school of ITIS;

Personal page on the portal KFU

Biomedical engineering

Engineering Institute

Irina Sitdikova

Lead researcher of the laboratory of Additive technologies in medicine, Professor, Department of biomedical engineering and innovation management, Doctor of Science

Personal page on the portal KFU

Correctional pedagogy and clinical linguistics

Institute of Philology and intercultural communication of them. Leo Tolstoy

Elena Gorobets

Acting head of Department of Russian language and applied linguistics; main executor of the KFU project in clinical linguistics, associate Professor, PhD

Personal page on the portal KFU