I. Analysis of Data (Data Mining) from a database of medical records of university hospital

The purpose of the analysis: automatic extraction of relationships between therapeutic appointments and treatment outcomes

The problem: the need to obtain impersonal database

Research in this area has not commenced to date. In the long term - to introduce a system of such an analysis in the clinic.

II. Development of models and methods of text mining, semantic processing of texts for the analysis of needs, preferences and consumer behavior (RRF grant - step B)

The purpose: development of information technology to extract from texts in Russian social networks

Medical applications: analysis of messages in social networks on various health issues, in particular, identify unforeseen drug action

Broadcast as part of SAU (or budding): developed technology and trained personnel transferred to the laboratory of molecular modeling and cheminformatics

III. Computer Support of Biomedical Research

Objective: To find interesting areas of work, external partners, options for cooperation with the laboratories of SAU, the formation of the collective laboratory

Proposed areas of work:

- FDR-controlled metabolite annotations for high-resolution mass spectrometry imaging

- COPD Research