M.S. Zaripov*, R.Kh. Sungatullin**

Kazan Federal University, Kazan, 420008 Russia

E-mail: *moarmar@ya.ru, **Rafael.Sungatullin@kpfu.ru

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Natural mineral drinking waters in the territories of Leninogorsk and Almetyevsk regions of the Republic of Tatarstan (Russia) have been studied. Statistical processing of the results of hydrochemical analyses has been performed. Zoning by the degree of explorability of mineral drinking waters with subsequent forecast of finding new types of deposits in accordance with the State Standard 54316–2011 have been carried out. Mineral waters from the Permian deposits within the studied territory have been of primary practical interest. The most common mineral drinking waters are chloride-magnesium-calcium, sulfate magnesium-calcium, chloride sodium-calcium, carbonate hydro-chloride sodium-magnesium-calcium, calcium chloride, carbonate hydro-chloride sodium-magnesium-calcium. The behavior of chlorine and bicarbonate ions in mineral waters from the Romashkinskoe and Novo-Elkhovskoe oil deposits and from the bitumen deposits has been considered. The correlation and interdependence of the underground hydrosphere with other geological environments and technosphere have been demonstrated. Advice has been given on using mineral drinking waters, development of a hydromineral basis of bottling factories, and creation of health resort institutions with special analyses carried out in certified laboratories.

Keywords: mineral waters, Permian rocks, hydrochemistry, technogenesis, Republic of Tatarstan, Leninogorsk region, Almetyevsk region

Figure Captions

Fig. 1. The location of the studied deposits of mineral drinking waters. New types of mineral drinking waters are shown with yellow: 1 – Ergeninskii; 2 – Kazanskii; 3 – Nagutskii; 4 – Zheleznovodskii; 5 – Starorusskii; 6 – Karachinskii.

Fig. 2. The most widespread types of mineral drinking waters from the sedimentary section in the southeast of the Republic of Tatarstan. Red-colored line – “lingual clays” aquiclude.

Fig. 3. The diagram of distribution of cations (on the left) and anions (on the right) in mineral waters. Yellow-colored circles – new types of mineral drinking waters (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 4. The distribution of anions in mineral waters of the Romashkinskoe oil deposit (on the left) and bitumen deposits (on the right).

Fig. 5. Bitumen deposits of the Republic of Tatarstan and hydrocarbonate sodium waters, according to [22].


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For citation: Zaripov M.S., Sungatullin R.Kh. Mineral drinking waters in the southeast of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki, 2016, vol. 158, no. 4, pp. 517–530. (In Russian)

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