Goals and Objectives of the Conference

Considerable environmental changes are observed at the present time: the planet's resource depletion, environmental pollution, reduction in biological diversity; global warming continues, natural and technogenic disasters occur more often causing immense damage to natural, social and economic systems. All these problems will manifest themselves most vividly in 2017, the year declared the Year of Ecology in Russia. The problem of sustainable environment functioning conservation is emphasized in the Strategy of Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation. The first great challenge for the academic community is “the growth of risks to the health and safety of people as a result of ineffective use of natural resources and the expanse of anthropogenic impact on the environment threatening the restoration of natural resources”.

The Conference is aimed at providing an integral analysis of existing environment to promote sustainable development of territories, to work out ways to optimize the interaction between the nature and the society, to make a forecast of the development dynamics of different components of the Earth system in the nearest decades.

One of the objectives of the Conference is the coordination of efforts and developments in the area of environmental conditions study, revealing the strategic areas of research.

The Conference will include a Plenary Session, 7 break-out sessions and 2 round tables.

Section 1. Geoecology and Exodynamic Processes.

Section 2. Climate Change, Macrocirculation Processes and the Ecology of Atmosphere. This section is devoted to the 205th anniversary of meteorological observations in Kazan University and the 95th anniversary of the Department of Geophysics (Department of Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Environment).

Section 3. Global Pollution, Environmental Impact Management, Ecological Risks and Sustainable Development.

Section 4. Strategies for Biological Resources Protection and Optimization. Structural and Functional Diversity of the Regional Species Pool.

Section 5. Mathematical Methods and GIS Technologies in Ecology and Management of Natural Resources.

Section 6. Soil and Land Resources, their Conservation and Efficient Management, and Food Safety.

Section 7. Social, Economic and Ecological Aspects of Urban Territories Development Analysis and Management.


  1. Practical Aspects of Hydrometeorological and Ecological Safety.
  2. Potential of living organisms for soil quality improvement.