Abstracts of oral and poster presentations are welcome. Please indicate your preference when submitting. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and published in an Abstract volume. Please submit abstracts by e-mail (attached file in Word format) to: Dinara.Miftakhutdinova@kpfu.ru.

Deadline for submission is May 25, 2017. 

Format: abstracts are limited to two A4‐sized pages including text, figures and tables; margins (top, bottom, left, right): 25 mm; title: upper and lower case, left justified; Arial, 14 pt bold; author's names: upper and lower case, left justified, first name first, surname last, Arial, 12 pt.; affiliation: upper and lower case, left justified, Arial, 10 pt.; numbered supers­cripts should be used to indicate the affiliation of each author;  main text: single‐spaced text, Arial 12 pt; references: alignment justified, Arial, 10 pt.