V.I. Kulagina*, D.V. Ivanov**, B.R. Grigoryan***, S.S. Ryazanov****

Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences,

Kazan, 420087 Russia

E-mail: *viksoil@mail.ru, **water-rf@mail.ru, ***bobgrig2@mail.ru, ****erydit@yandex.ru

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The history of formation of the Kuybyshev Reservoir islands near the settlement of Zaymishche has been considered. The soil cover structure of the islands has been described. The genesis and physical-chemical properties of the soils of the islands have been investigated. It has been shown that most of the studied soils, which belonged to the group of alluvial soddy soils before the creation of the reservoir, are characterized by the light granulometric composition, small thickness of the humus horizon, and low humus content. The statistical analysis has shown that flooding by the reservoir waters did not have any significant impact on the content of humus and nitrogen in the soils, but influenced the distribution of values of soil acidity, exchangeable bases, capacities of cationic exchange, and hydrolytic acidity.

Keywords: islands, alluvial soils, evolution of soils, Kuybyshev Reservoir, humus

Figure Captions

Fig. 1. The landscape of the Volga River valley near the settlement of Zaymishche before flooding by the Kuybyshev Reservoir waters [8].

Fig. 2. The schematic map of the soil cover of the islands based on the materials of the investigation on 1990 (as according to the archive of the Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use). The islands are shown with numbers. Symbols: 1 – alluvial soddy saturated layered, 2 – alluvial meadow saturated layered primitive, 3 – alluvial meadow saturated layered, 4 – truly alluvial meadow saturated, 5 – alluvial meadow acidic layered, 6 – truly alluvial meadow acidic, 7 – truly alluvial meadow-boggy.


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  6. Grigoryan B.R., Faskhutdinova T.A., Kulagina V.I., Koposov G.F. Specific features of soil formation in island ecosystems of the Kuibyshev water storage basin. Pochvovedenie, 1998, no. 4, pp. 404–411. (In Russian)
  7. Grigoryan B.R, Kulagina V.I. Variations of island soil cover of the Kuybyshev water reservoir with time under water regime. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki, 2010, vol. 152, no. 4, pp. 92–101. (In Russian)
  8. Mozzherin V.I. (Ed.) Topographic Map of the Volga River Floodplain (Before the Creation of the Kuybyshev Reservoir). Scale 1:50000. Appendix to the Report on Economic Contracts Subject K-5-90 “Genesis of Kuybyshev Reservoir Islands from the city of Cheboksary to the estuaries of the Vyatka and Cheremshan Rivers”. Kazan, Kazan. Gos. Univ., 1990. (In Russian)
  9. Grigoryan B.R., Kulagina V.I. Diagnosis and nomenclature of sandy alluvial soils in four classification systems by the example of soils of the Kuibyshev Reservoir islands. Pochvovedenie, 2014, no. 6, pp. 677–684. (In Russian)
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For citation: Kulagina V.I., Ivanov D.V., Grigoryan B.R., Ryazanov S.S. Soil cover of the Kuybyshev Reservoir islands near the settlement of Zaymishche. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki, 2016, vol. 158, no. 3, pp. 404–415. (In Russian)

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