Head of Department
Prof. Valery Yakovlev
Tel.: +7 (843) 231 5289
E-mail: Valery.Yakovlev@ksu.ru
Department of bioresources and aquaculture (formerly – department of zoology of vertebrates) is one of the oldest departments in the university. Its history is connected with names of prominent scientists: K.E.Eykhvald, E.A.Eversman, A.A.Ostroumov. During 30s the research of fish from Volga River, its inflow – Kama and from lakes of the Volga flood plain has been developed under the leadership of professors A.Y.Nedoshivin and V.V.Izosimova. This work got a particular importance with formation of the Kuibyshev reservoir and has been carried out under the guidance of prof. A.V.Lukin. Now the ichthyological direction of research is connected with studying of fauna formation regularities of the reconstructed reservoirs and their fishery development. Studying of land fauna of the local edge, which has begun in Soviet period by prof. M.E.Makushky and prof. V.A.Popov still proceeds in the department.