Nowadays the Comparative typology of English to Tatar, Russian and other languages in the structural, functional and stylistic aspects is considered to be the major scientific area in the Language study. Such renowned scholars as I.A. Baudouin de Courtenay, V.A. Bogoroditzky, N.V. Krushevsky – the representatives of the Kazan School of Linguistics pioneered this new scientific trend in Linguistics.

The Tatar School of Linguistics  has years of experience in the comparative study of the Tatar and English languages , Tatar and  other foreign languages in the structural and  grammatical aspects. D.H. Bakeeva with her well-known paper «The Comparative Phonetics of  the Tatar and English languages»  was the first to make her scientific and educational contribution to this area. Another scholar S.S. Gatiatullina  studied  the English and Tatar derivational system in 1984, and in 1979 she carried out a comparative study of verb tenses. The book written by N.H.Salekhova ( 1984) was also  devoted to a typological study  of the system of verb  tenses. M.N. Sakamullina conducted a comparative study of the functional – semantic  categories of temporality and aspect  in the French  and Tatar languages in her monograph  (2000). V.N. Khisamova dedicated her work to the question of studying  the verbal  system  of the Tatar and English  languages (2004).

Taking into consideration the importance of this problem, a creative team of teachers led by Doctor of Philology, full professor Venera Nafikovna Khisamova continues the traditions of the Kazan School of Linguistics. The main scientific field of the chair is “Comparative typology of English to Tatar, Russian and many other languages in the structural, functional and stylistic aspects. Practice and Theory of translation.” This research direction has been implementing under the leadership of the full professor V.N.Khisamova since 1996. All research in this area is reflected in the theses of her students, the members of the chair of Romanic and Germanic languages (E.R.Bikkinina, associate professor A.Y. Giniyatullina, associate professor E.A. Saidasheva, associate professor Z.A.Motigullina, , assistant professor L.G. Khismatullina, associate professor I.G.Akhmetzyanov, assistant L.A.Nurgalieva, assistant professor R.R.Sagitova, etc.) and postgraduate students (E.B.Fattahova, E.A.Isaevskaya, N.K.Mullagaliev), publications, presentations at conferences, research work of students and in the seminars organized by the members of the chair.

The Head of the Chair of Romanic and Germanic languages, Doctor of Philology, full professor V.N. Khisamova has been the science editor of the collection of articles called "Typology and methods of teaching languages of languages with different structures” since 2006.

From 2004-2012 the teachers of the Chair of Romanic and Germanic  languages published 165 papers in volume of 160,8 printed sheets.

The teaching staff of the chair attaches a great importance to the organization of research with students of the Institute. All teachers supervise undergraduate and graduate students. In addition, they guide scientific circles and problem groups on the basis of the scientific direction of the chair and prepare them to participate in the annual scientific conference.

So the chair of Romanic and Germanic languages is engaged in great teaching, educational and research activities in order to improve the training of highly qualified personnel in the field of intercultural communication and pedagogical areas.