Ramil Valeyev

Head of Department of history and culture of the East, Doctor of Science, Full Professor

Tel. +7 (843) 292-71-66
E-mail. roza-hart@mail.ru

Sphere of scientific research of the department covers a range of issues of history, historiography, source studies and culture of the East. Among the major scientific issues there are the History of Foreign and Russian Oriental Studies, Theory and History of Chinese Civilization, Socio-Political History of the People and Countries of the East, Historiography and Source Studies of Turkey, Turkic People and the Arabic countries, Russian Historiography of the History and Culture of the East.


Valeev, Ramil Mirgasimovich +7 (843) 292-71-66  valeev200655@mail.ru
Martynov, Dmitry Evgenyevich  +7 (843) 292-71-66  dmitrymartynov80@mail.ru
Axanov, Kamil Gusmanovich  +7 (843) 292-71-66  kgaxanov@list.ru
Muhamedzyanov, Rustem Ravilevich  +7 (843) 292-71-66  rustemr@mail.ru 
Garaeva, Nyria Ahatovna  +7 (843) 292-71-66  nuria.garaeva@gmail.com 
Griger, Maksim Vadimovich +7 (843) 292-71-66 grigerm@yandex.ru