K.G. Giniyatullin a*, S.S. Ryazanov a, B.R. Grigor'yan b, I.V. Shakirzyanov c, R.V. Shakirzyanov a, E.S. Vaganova a, A.G. Galiullina a

a Kazan Federal University, Kazan, 420008 Russia

b Institute for Problems of Ecology and Mineral Wealth Use, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Kazan, 420087 Russia

с AO “Atameken Agro”, Kokshetau, 020000 Republic of Kazakhstan

E-mail: *ginijatullin@mail.ru

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The agrochemical properties (humus content; available forms of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium; pH; and specific electrical conductivity of water extract) of two tracts (1468 and 1378 ha) of the arable land from Petropavlovsk region of Northern Kazakhstan have been studied. The research shows that these tracts can be considered as belonging to the same type according to the average values and variability of their agrochemical properties. However, the analysis of experimental variograms indicates that the fields are significantly different from each other by spatial variability of the agrochemical properties. It has been demonstrated that interpolated cartograms of availability of the chemical elements in the fields require differential selection of methods for data interpolation that correspond to the results of variogram approximation.

Keywords: arable soils of Northern Kazakhstan, agrochemical properties, spatial variability, geostatistical analysis

Acknowledgments. This study was performed as part of the Russian-Kazakh SR project “Estimating variability of the main agrochemical properties of arable lands in the TOO Michurinskii”.

Figure captions

Fig. 1. Experimental variograms of the soil properties and adjusted models. Dots designate experimental variograms of tract no. 1, dashed line shows its model; triangles are experimental variograms of tract no. 2, line is adjusted model.

Fig. 2. Interpolated cartograms showing the availability of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium compounds in the tracts of the studied arable land.


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For citation: Giniyatullin K.G., Ryazanov S.S., Grigor'yan B.R., Shakirzyanov I.V., Shakirzyanov R.V., Vaganova E.S., Galiullina A.G. Using geostatistical methods for characterization of variations in the agrochemical properties (based on the study of arable lands in Northern Kazakhstan). Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki, 2016, vol. 158, no. 2, pp. 259–276. (In Russian)

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