Yu.P. Perevedentsev*, S.K. Al-Maamuri, T.R. Aukhadeev**

Kazan Federal University, Kazan, 420008 Russia

E-mail: *ypereved@kpfu.ru, **TRAuhadeev@kpfu.ru

Received January 28, 2016

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We have considered spatiotemporal changes in the pressure-temperature regime at the territory of Iraq and Middle Eastern countries, which is limited by the following geographical coordinates: 27.5–37.5? N, 37.5–50.0? E. The initial data have been obtained from NCEP/NCAR reanalysis in the nodes of 2.5? × 2.5? grids, as well as from the indices of atmospheric circulation during the period of 1948–2013. Statistical processing of the material and construction of the linear trends and composites have allowed to reveal the dynamics of changes in the air temperature and pressure, its dependence on fluctuations in the atmospheric circulation. A tendency has been revealed towards a decrease in the temperature during the cold period and its increase during the warm period. Deviations (anomalies) of the distribution of actual temperature and atmospheric pressure from the climatological norm have been estimated. Maps of temperature and pressure distribution in the regions have been created.

Keywords: atmospheric pressure, air temperature, linear trend, temperature and pressure anomalies

Acknowledgments. This study was supported in part by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 15-05-06349).

Figure captions

Fig. 1. Surface air temperatures, ?С: a) January, b) July.

Fig. 2. Distribution of temperature anomalies according to gradations: a) winter; b) summer.

Fig. 3. Distribution of temperature anomalies according to their life span: a) negative; b) positive.

Fig. 4. Sea level pressure, hPa: a) January, b) July.

Fig. 5. Fields of the differential composites of air temperature in January: a) for NAO; b) for АО.


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For citation: Perevedentsev Yu.P., Al-Maamuri S.K., Aukhadeev T.R. The pressure-temperature regime of Iraq during the period of 1948–2013. Uchenye Zapiski Kazanskogo Universiteta. Seriya Estestvennye Nauki, 2016, vol. 158, no. 1, pp. 148–159. (In Russian)

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