Left to right: Raniya Khadiullina (2nd year Masters student), Ekaterina Zmievskaya
​(5th year undergrad), Regina Sayarova (1st year PhD student),
Natalya Alexandrova (senior postdoc), Aygul Valiullina (3rd yead PhD student), 
Emil Bulatov (Group leader), Albert Rizvanov (Head of Lab), Irina Glagoleva (postdoc), 
Vitaly Chasov (senior postdoc), Olga Kartseva (PhD student)

Dr. Emil BulatovPh.D., M.Phil.

h-index = 16

Chemical Biology Group was established in 2015 by Dr. Emil Bulatov, graduate of Cambridge University. The research in the group is focused at the interface between chemistry and biology.

Main directions of research:

- Understanding the role of the Ubiquitin Proteasome System in cancer and autoimmune diseases

- Small molecule activators of p53 (wild-type and mutant)

- Screening for novel biologically active molecules

- Functional modification of proteins

- CAR-T cell immunotherapy

E-mail: chembio.kazan@gmail.com

Twitter: @ChemBio_KFU

Instagram: chembio.kazan




- Russian Science Foundation (RSF) #19-74-20026 

- Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) #19-54-10005, #18-34-00702, #17-34-50167, #16-34-60213, #16-34-50250

- Grant of the President of the Russian Federation #МК-4253.2018.4

- Foundation for Promotion of Innovation #917ГС1/17640