Detailed information about the application procedure and available grants can be found at the websites of Triple I and Aurora.

Important: Perspective applicants are strongly encouraged to choose only project to apply. Please do not apply both to Triple I and Aurora.

Please remember to fulfill all necessary procedures within KFU (ссылка на 2.2. Procedures within KFU)

To be eligible to apply, Russian applicants in undergraduate, master, doctorate and post-doctorate levels, referred to as "students":

1. Must be citizens of the Russian Federation;

2. Must belong to one of the two groups presented below:

3. Must have not resided nor carried out their main activity (studies, work etc.) for more than a total of 12 months over the last five years in any of the EU countries at the time of submitting application.

4. Must have sufficient knowledge of the language of the courses or one of the languages currently spoken in the hosting countries;

5. Undergraduate students must have successfully completed at least one year of studies at first higher education level.