Yu.Libig Giessen University, Germany

- Partnership scientific seminars "Societal and cultural transformation: current issues in transnational and transcultural perspectives", Giessen, Germany, in December 2015,

- "Comparative studies of multiculturalism, migration, the problems of the majority and minorities", Kazan, KFU May 2015 g .

Contact: Dean of the faculty of social sciences and cultural studies professor at the University of Giessen A.Langenol, e-mail: Andreas.Langenohl@sowi.uni-giessen.de


Southwestern University. Neophyte Rilski, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria

- The project "Digital literacy modern student: the case of UZU and KFU"

- The "Media image culture in modern information space"

Contact: Associate Professor Ivanka Vlaeva, e- mail: i_vlaeva@abv.bg


Kazakh National Conservatoir. Kurbangazy, Almaty, Kazakhstan

- The project "Music Journalism in the modern media space: the problem of education"

Contact: Valeria Nedlina, e. mail: leranedlin@gmail.com


Sophia University. St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria

- Project "Multimedia international journalism: the experience of Sophia and Kazan"

Contact: Associate Professor, Head. the Department of Radio and Television Vyara Angelova, e-mail: v.angelova@uni-sofia.bg