Biomedical research (pathological histology and tissue repair by light and electron microscopy, parasitology research, forensic entomology).

Head of Research Group:
professor Flura Sokolina, e-mail:, tel. +7 843 2315288.

Leading researchers:

associate professor Natalya Shakurova, e-mail:,

assistant Porfiriev A.G., e-mail:


Joint grant with A.E. Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry of KSC RAS.


Main scientific publications in 2012: Scopus, Web of Science – 3, Scopus – 2, other foreign publications - 1, RINC – 2, monograph - 1.

  1.  Sokolina Flora, Zumaquero Rios Jose Lino, Ignatiev Georgie, Neftali Villasenor Christian Orozco, Trinidad Sanchez-Vega Jose, Cabrera Hector Fuentes, Tay Jorge Zavala. Estudio de los tejidos de moluscos Lymnaea truncatula y Lymnaea cubensis infectados por miracidios de Fasciola hepatica // Revista FacMed (Mexico). - V. 55, N. 6. – P. 4-10.
  2. Jose T. Sanchez-Vega, Sokolina F., Cabrera H. F., Barreto G., Zumaquero Rios Jose Lino, Nay J. Z. Reptiles de inpotancia medica // J. Botica (Mexico). - N. 4. – P. 9-14.
  3. Indo H., Inanami O., Koumura T., Suenaga S., Yen H., Kakinuma S., Matsumoto K., Nakanishi I., St Clair W., St Clair D., Matsui H., Cornette R., Gusev O., Okuda T., Nakagawa Y., Ozawa T., and H. J. Majima (2012). Roles of mitochondria-generated reactive oxygen species on X-ray-induced apoptosis in a human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line, HLE. //Free Radical Research, 2012, 46(8):1029-43.
  4. Vishal M. Shinde, Olga S. Sizova, Jonathan H. Lin, Matthew M. LaVail, Marina S. Gorbatyuk. ER stress in retinal regeneration in S334ter Rho rats // PLOS One (2012). – Vol. 7. – Issue 3. – P. 1-14.
  5. Sokolina F.M., Rakhimov I.I., Ignatjev G.A. Formation of yolk cells of trematoda Fasciola hepatica L.,1758 // Trudi VIGIS AN SH. - М., 2012. - V. 48. - P. 390-392.
  6. Sokolina F.M., Rakhimov I.I., Ignatjev G.A. Formation of oogonia of trematoda Fasciola hepatica L.,1758 // Trudi VIGIS AN SH. - М., 2012. - V. 48. - P. 395-397.
  7. Papunidi K.H., Salnikova M.M., Saitov V.R., Osyanin K.A., Kadikov I.R. Ultrastructural study of the white pulp of the spleen of rabbits exposed toxicants and some drug // Veterinarniy vratch Number 3., Kazan, 2012. - P. 48-50.
  8. Salnikova M.M., Saitov V.R., Rakhmatullin I.F., Khuzin D.A., Makaev H.N. Ultrathin structure of necrobacteriosis pathogen Fusobacterium necroforum // Veterinarnaya Patologia № 2 (40): 2012. - P. 52-58.
  9. Gubeidullina A.H., Boiko V.A., Lyubarskaya O.D. The hard ticks (Ixodidae) of the natural host reservoirs of the Tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme borreliosis in the Ulianovskaya oblast region // Dimitrovograd: UGTU Publishing, 2012. - 138 p. - Number of (printed) copies: 200.