You will have seven weeks (November 2 - December 21) to complete this written task.

Deadline: December 22, 2015

The maximum score: 30 points

What you are to do:

In about 1000 words, you are to write an essay about which physical laws and principles are used in medicine and how and why the use of medical physics has implications that must be considered before making decisions about adopting it in human medicine. 

In writing your essay, the following points can be used as a guide:  

Simply copying from the Internet or books is not permitted.

The antiplagiat program will be used to confirm originality.

How you are to do it:

An essay of about 1000 words, double spaced, 12 point Arial font.  Please include some diagrams.

Note in the preceding criteria: 

State is defined as “To give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or calculation.”

Describe is defined as “to give a detailed account”

Discuss is defined as “To give an account including, where possible, a range of arguments for and against, the relative importance of various factors and comparisons of alternative hypotheses.”

Explain is defined as “to give a clear account including causes and reasons or mechanisms.”

How it will be marked:

Medical physics ApplicationThe student gives a basic des­cription of how medical physics is applied to addressing human health problemsThe student gives a complete des­cription of how medical physics is applied to addressing human health problemsThe student gives a detailed explanation of how medical physics is applied to addressing human health problems
Benefits and Limitations of Medical physicsThe student states some benefits or limitations of medical physics in addressing human health problemsThe student describes some benefits or limitations of medical physics in addressing human health problemsThe student explains some benefits and limitations of medical physics in addressing human health problems
Scientific LanguageThe student attempts to communicate scientific information using some scientific languageThe student communicates scientific information using  scientific languageThe student communicates scientific information effectively using scientific language correctly
Symbolic and/or Visual AidsThe student presents some of the information in an appropriate form using some symbolic or visual representation when appropriateThe student presents most of the information appropriately  using symbolic or visual representation according to the taskThe student presents all the information appropriately using symbolic and/or visual representation accurately according to the task
Use of SourcesThe student attempts to acknowledge sources of information but this is inaccurateThe student attempts to acknowledge sources of information but this is inaccurateThe student acknowledges sources of information completely and appropriately

Note in the preceding criteria: 

Scientific Language is defined as scientific terminology, vocabulary, symbolic language, units of measure.


  1. Physics of Radiation Therapy
  2. Radiation Dosimetry
  3. Applied Radiobiology
  4. Radiation Safety
  5. Physics of Medical Imaging
  6. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 
  7. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Biochemistry and Medicine
  8. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in Biochemistry and Medicine
  9. Physical Princeples of Electrocardiography
  10. Physical Princeples of Electrophoresis. Iontophoresis
  11. Radiology
  12. Ultrasound Diagnostics
  13. Computed Tomography
  14. Optical Biopsy
  15. Using Nanoparticles in Medicine
  16. Ultraviolet Spectroscopy
  17. Infrared spectroscopy
  18. Fluorescent Methods in Medicine
  19. Laser Surgery. Laser scalpel. Laser correction of vision
  20. Ultrasound Surgery
  21. Doppler Sonography
  22. Optical Microscopy in Biology and Medicine
  23. Positron emission tomography (PET)