Historical Linguistics  
Generalova E.V. Lexico-Grammatical Classes of Adjectives as a Historical Category (Based on the Material of the Russian Language from the Late 15th till the 17th Century) 7
Zaikonnikova T.P. In Search of a Word and a Form: G.R. Derzhavin’s Corrections in “Anacreontic Songs” 20
Nikolaeva N.G. Individual Peculiarities in the Translation Work of Epiphany Slavinetsky 30
Sheptukhina E.M., Gerasimova I.S. Language Means of Implementation of Text Categories in Regional Documents of the 17th Century 41
Comparative Linguistics  
Aminova A.A., Plankina R.M. The Native/Foreign Binary Opposition in Russian, Tatar and English Linguocultures (Using the Works by L. Tolstoy, M. Mitchell and G. Iskhaki) 52
Ayupova R.A., Bashirova M.A. Paremiological Units in Russian and American Linguistic Cultures 63
Rakhimova A.R. Foreign Word-Forming Affixes in the Structure of Turkic Lexemes Describing a Person 70
Semantics, Pragmatics and Text  
Andramonova N.A. Discursive and Relational Formants as a Means of Actualization of a Statement 80
Balakin S.V. Basic Properties of Propositional Structure in Derivational Process (Based on the French Language) 90
Burtseva T.A. Melismas in the Rhythm of B.L. Pasternak’s Poetic Language 99
Kashina I.V. Phraseology in the Memoirs “Other Shores” by V. Nabokov 106
Kolosova E.I. The Institution of Family in the Conceptual Sphere of Russian and Polish 114
Kostycheva L.M., Bychkova T.A., Muzurov V.N. Speech Modeling of Symbols in L. Ulitskaya’s Novels “Medea and Her Children” and “The Green Tent” 120
Mardieva L.A. The Figurative and the Rational in Language Representation (Based on the Material from Media Texts) 129
Skiperskikh A.V. The Concept “Revolt”: A Hermeneutic Journey 138
Semschikova E.O. Linguistic Means of Implementing Verbal Possibilities of the Main Character in Ingeborg Bachmann’s Novel “Malina” 148
Khairutdinova G.A. Semantics and Figurative Potential of the Lexeme Winter (On the Material of 19th–21st Century Poetry) 155
Chernysheva A.Yu. Religious and Secular Speech-Behavioral Tactics of Denunciation of Sin 162
Lexicology and Onomastics  
Akbari R. Regularities in Semantic Assimilation of Persian Loanwords in the Russian Language 170
Khazieva-Demirbash G.S. Major Trends in the Development of Modern Tatar Personal Names at the Beginning of the 21st Century 177
Shakirova Z.I. Social Dialect of Transport Drivers in the English Language: Composition and Content 187
Lexicography and Applied Linguistics  
Akhmetsagirova L.I. The German-Russian Dictionary of 1834–1835: Meta-Lexicographical Analysis 194
Galieva A.M., Nevzorova O.A. Basic Principles of Formation of a WordNet-Like Thesaurus for the Tatar Language 210
Kulsharipova R.E., Weiwei Ch. Russian Speech of Chinese Students: An Acoustic Analysis Using the Computer Program Speech Analyzer 221
Safiullina G.R. An Attempt of Compiling an English-Tatar Dictionary for School Children 229
Khakimov B.E., Gilmullin R.A., Gataullin R.R. Grammatical Disambiguation in the Corpus of the Tatar Language 236
Esin O.R., Gorobets E.A., Tokareva N.V. Verbal Des­criptors of Headache Used by Neurological Patients 245
Kulsharipova R.E., Galiullin K.R., Gorobets E.A., Lukoyanova Yu.K. Neurolinguistic Ideas in the Concept of the Kazan Linguistic School 253
Theory and History of Russian Literature and Criticism  
Krylov V.N. Formation of the Institution of Reviewing in Russian Criticism (Second Half of the 18th – Early 19th Centuries) 262
Novikova N.V. Traveller as an Aesthetically Perceiving Person (I.A. Goncharov and M.M. Prishvin) 281
Prokhorova T.G., Shamina V.B. Theatre and Politics in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia 299
Criticism and Bibliography  
Balalykina E.A. Review of the Book: Kolesov V.V. Foundations of Science 313
Gilazetdinova G.Kh. “Dictionaries Will Always Remain a Daily Need for Our Science…” (Baudouin de Courtenay). Review of the Book: The Dictionary of Everyday Russian in Moscow Russia of the 16th–17th Centuries. Issue 6: Douchivat’sya – Zaekhat’ 319