Psychology and Pedagogics
Alishev B.S. Preference as a Function of Psyche 7
Artischeva L.V. Comparative Characteristics of Subjective Images of Mental States: Past, Present, and Future 17
Matushanskaya A.G., Alishev B.S. Ambiguity Tolerance and Related Concepts of Cognitive Psychology 25
Popov L.M., Ibragimova E.N. The Problem of the Object in Psychological Dissertations 34
Prokhorov A.O., Artischeva L.V. Image of Mental State: Spatial and Time Structure 42
Prokhorov A.O., Chernov A.V., Yusupov M.G. Structural and Functional Organization of Intellectual States 51
Prokhorov A.O., Yusupov M.G. The Relationship between Mental States and Thinking Processes of Students in Learning Activities 62
Rudykhina O.V. Individual Typological Features of a Tolerant Student 73
Salikhova N.R. A Contextual-Level Approach to Emotional Experience 78
Sergienko E.A. Subjective Age in Terms of the System-Subject Approach 89
Solovyev V.D., Akhtyamov R.B., Bairasheva V.R. The Evolution of Frequency of Color Names 102
Fakhrutdinova L.R. Structural and Dynamic Organization of a Subject’s Emotional Experience 110
Chernov A.V. An Influence of Reflection and Regulatory Processes on the Intensity of Students Mental States in an Examination Situation 121
Asafova E.V. Pedagogical Strategies for the Development of Ecological Culture of Students in a Classical University 128
Akhmadieva R.Sh. Teaching Traffic Participants about Safe Behavior on Roads Based on Competence Approach 136
Gaisina E.I. Political Communication Technologies: Concept and Essence 143
Larionova T.P. Charity and Mercy in Social Doctrines of Russian Confessional Organizations (On the Example of the Republic of Tatarstan) 150
Leonteva M.V. Social Capital of Informal Communities as a Resource of City Environment Development 159
Nizamova L.R. Mixed Ethnic Identities in a Multicultural Society 166
Bakanov R.P. Criteria for the Analysis of TV Programmes and TV Broadcasting Trends in Creative Work of Television Critic Yury Bogomolov 177
Bik-Bulatov A.Sh. The Concept of Nihilism in the Public Discourse of Journalism in the Late 1980s and Early 1990s 190
Biktimirova E.A. Political, Cultural and Commercial Myth-Making in Newspaper Articles 198
Mullagaliev R.G. Public Media Space: Lobbying Techniques 204
Yatsyk A.V. Media Convergence and the Production of Popular Culture: The Formats and the Issue 210