Psychology and Pedagogics |
Alishev B.S. Preference as a Function of Psyche |
7 |
Artischeva L.V. Comparative Characteristics of Subjective Images of Mental States: Past, Present, and Future |
17 |
Matushanskaya A.G., Alishev B.S. Ambiguity Tolerance and Related Concepts of Cognitive Psychology |
25 |
Popov L.M., Ibragimova E.N. The Problem of the Object in Psychological Dissertations |
34 |
Prokhorov A.O., Artischeva L.V. Image of Mental State: Spatial and Time Structure |
42 |
Prokhorov A.O., Chernov A.V., Yusupov M.G. Structural and Functional Organization of Intellectual States |
51 |
Prokhorov A.O., Yusupov M.G. The Relationship between Mental States and Thinking Processes of Students in Learning Activities |
62 |
Rudykhina O.V. Individual Typological Features of a Tolerant Student |
73 |
Salikhova N.R. A Contextual-Level Approach to Emotional Experience |
78 |
Sergienko E.A. Subjective Age in Terms of the System-Subject Approach |
89 |
Solovyev V.D., Akhtyamov R.B., Bairasheva V.R. The Evolution of Frequency of Color Names |
102 |
Fakhrutdinova L.R. Structural and Dynamic Organization of a Subject’s Emotional Experience |
110 |
Chernov A.V. An Influence of Reflection and Regulatory Processes on the Intensity of Students Mental States in an Examination Situation |
121 |
Asafova E.V. Pedagogical Strategies for the Development of Ecological Culture of Students in a Classical University |
128 |
Akhmadieva R.Sh. Teaching Traffic Participants about Safe Behavior on Roads Based on Competence Approach |
136 |
Sociology |
Gaisina E.I. Political Communication Technologies: Concept and Essence |
143 |
Larionova T.P. Charity and Mercy in Social Doctrines of Russian Confessional Organizations (On the Example of the Republic of Tatarstan) |
150 |
Leonteva M.V. Social Capital of Informal Communities as a Resource of City Environment Development |
159 |
Nizamova L.R. Mixed Ethnic Identities in a Multicultural Society |
166 |
Journalism |
Bakanov R.P. Criteria for the Analysis of TV Programmes and TV Broadcasting Trends in Creative Work of Television Critic Yury Bogomolov |
177 |
Bik-Bulatov A.Sh. The Concept of Nihilism in the Public Discourse of Journalism in the Late 1980s and Early 1990s |
190 |
Biktimirova E.A. Political, Cultural and Commercial Myth-Making in Newspaper Articles |
198 |
Mullagaliev R.G. Public Media Space: Lobbying Techniques |
204 |
Yatsyk A.V. Media Convergence and the Production of Popular Culture: The Formats and the Issue |
210 |