News of the Lyceum

The KFU IT Lyceum was opened at the initiative of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov on September 1, 2012.  277 intelligently gifted students from the whole republic of Tatarstan and other regions of the Russian Federation are the members of IT Lyceum in 2015-2016 academic year.

54 teachers and 24 mentors, being Candidates of Pedagogical, Technical and Philological  Sciences, teachers of the first and highest qualifying categories, 11 young professionals, “Nash noviy uchitel'” (Our new teacher), and “Nash lutshiy uchitel'” (Our best teacher) grant holders work at the IT Lyceum. Among them five teachers have been awarded with lapel badges of merits in education, two teachers hold a grade of honored figure in the general education of Russian Federation, whereas other two teachers have received the rank of the best teachers of the priority national education programme.

The educational process starts with the 7th grade. The students' selection is carried out on a competitive basis through three levels: online testing, examination on the following subjects: Russian language, Mathematics, reasoning capability, vocation-related subjects and interlocution based on the portfolio.

IT Lyceum is a structural unit of "Kazan ( Volga region ) Federal University" which represents a unique educational organization well-known both in Russia and abroad. Its mission is to bring up the highly educated and intelligent social stratum of IT experts not only for Tatarstan republic but for the whole Russian Federation.

The training principle

Students reside at the boarding school throughout the school year which is normally divided into 4 terms. The study week consists of six training days and one day off. Theme-based Saturdays like Family Day, Sports Day or a Day for Cultural Development, take place once a month.

In the morning students have general education classes whereas in the afternoon they attend practical exercises on physics, chemistry, Information technology and ICT. After lunch students are provided with extra-class activities, the research-action projects, sports-oriented activities, games, rest and time for doing their home work.

Teaching is implemented in groups of 12, which allows teachers to give great attention to each student during a lesson; Moreover every teacher on a regular basis carries out well planned consultations on their subject.

Teaching staff works according to the modern European teaching techniques. The particular attention is paid to the Academic competition's preparation with the following participation in various contests and forums.

The students are welcomed to the scientific labs of both establishments: IT Lyceum and Kazan Federal University. There they work on their own scientific researches which represent the essential part of the educational process.  The students also try to put into practice the acquired knowledge presenting their achievements to the municipal and republican competitions. IT Lyceum is already proud of winners and awardees of different kinds of competitions. On the top of this students also are engaged in setting up certain interest clubs such as a musical group or drama theatre school.

Living Conditions

IT Lyceum is situated in a new and modern Universiade Village sub-district and consists of two buildings – a boarding school where students reside and an educational building, where the classes are delivered. In its turn the educational building comprises of administrative unit, sports hall and canteen. There is an access way between these two buildings.

IT Lyceum's territory is a well-equipped area with up-to-date playgrounds around.

Accommodation and alimentation are free of charge.

Video Presentation

Video 1

Video 2