The Kazan School of Physiology made a great contribution to Russian and world science. The big part of exhibition is rightfully given to it. There are portraits of its founders and their followers such as V.F.Ovsyannikov, N.O.Kovalevsky and N.A.Mislavsky as well as a number of exhibits, which deal with the Kazan period of live and activity of V.M.Bekhterev, outstanding physiologist and neuropathologist, psychiatrist and psychologist.

He wrote about these years of his life in his autobiography: "The University gave me an opportunity to organize the first psycho-physiological laboratory of that time to do researches in Anatomy, Physiology and Experimental Psychology. Thanks to it I managed to complete several anatomical works on cerebrum and prepare the first edition of "Cerebral Tracts".

The photos of laboratory and models of cerebral tracts, made under supervision of the scientist, are shown to visitors. There is also the first edition of the book (1893) presented by him to professor of Surgery Pathology Nikolay F. Vysotsky. 

"Samoilov's Corner" is the part of our exhibition devoted to the founder of Kazan School of Electro-Physiology. The central part of the corner is occupied by string galvanometer and the armchair from the scientist's study.

In 1904 at the International Congress in Brussels Aleksandr Filippovich got acquainted with the prominent Holland physiologist and physicist Wilhelm Eithoven and his new instrument, string galvanomenter. In 1906 he brought the instrument to Kazan and set it in his physiological laboratory of the University. Having improved it, he was the first physician in Russia, who registered electrical cardiogram of man.

One of the first electrical cardiograms registered by him is displayed at exhibition; next to it there are devices from his physiological laboratory and photographs of Samoilov and his disciples. Among them there is V.V.Parin, founder of Space Medicine, outstanding scientist and Full Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences and Academy of Medical Science. 

In 1929 V.A.Engelhard was elected the professor of the Biochemistry Department. Despite his short staying in Kazan, he discovered the phenomenon of oxidizing phosphorylation, which was one of the greatest contributions of soviet scientists to world science. 
There is a manometer form Warburg's Respiratory Apparatus which was used by the scientist.