Multifunctional Moessbauer System for Low- and High-Temperature Measurements at High Magnetic Fields and High Pressures.



Publications (2012-2015)

  1. Coherent Control of the Waveforms of Recoilless Gamma-Photons / F. Vagizov, V.A. Antonov, at al //  Nature -2014. –V.508,N7494. – P.80-83
  2. Phys. Rev. A. – 2015. -  V. 92. – No.4. - P. 043808-13. (в рубрике - Editor's suggestions)
  3. Phys. Status Solidi B, 2015. – V.252, No. 3, - P.469–475 (в рубрике - Editor's choice)
  4. Phys. Rev. A. – 2015. -  V. 92. – P. 023836-15.
  5. Phys. Rev. A. - 2013. V. 87, N1.  - P.013807.
  6. JETP Lett. – 2015. -V. 102, No.2.  - P.125-130.
  7. Hyperfine Interactions. – 2016. – V.237, No.1. – DOI 10.1007/s10751-016-1261-3
  8. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. – 2015. – V.373. – P.83-85.
  9. European Journal of Mineralogy. – 2015. –V.27, No.3. – P.417-426.
  10. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals. – 2015. – V.42, No.10. – P.825-833.
  11. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics, - 2015. – V.79, No.8. – P.951–954.
  12. Optics and Spectroscopy - 2014, - V.116, No. 6, pp 885-888.
  13. Hyperfine Interactions. – 2014. - V.226, No.1-3. – P.51-55.
  14. Hyperfine Interactions.– 2014. - V.226, No.1-3. – P.701-711.
  15. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics, - 2014. – V.78, No.3. – P.199-202.
  16. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics, - 2014. – V.78, No.3. – P.199-202.
  17. European Journal of Mineralogy. -  2013. – V.25. – P.569–578.
  18. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics, - 2013. – Т. 77, N6. - P. 861-866.
  19. Hyperfine Interactions – 2013. – V.222, Suppl 1. – P.S23-S36. 
  20. Ученые зап. КГУ, (2012) Т. 154, кн. 3 – C.42-61. 
  21. JETP Letters. – 2013. – V. 96, No.12. – P.812-816.
  22. Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy. – 2012. – V.13, No.1. – P.73-82. 
  23. Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics, - 2012. - V. 76, No. 3. – P.288-291

Head of the laboratory - Ph.D. Vagizov F.G.

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