Educational and scientific laboratory of linguoculturology and lexicography of Leo Tolstoy Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication of KFU

Purpose of the laboratory: Educational and scientific laboratories promote new scientific findings, development of scientific and personnel potential of KFU, introduction of new methodological developments into production and educational process.

The main scientific activities of Educational and scientific laboratories are: the study of the history of the formation, functioning and development of the vocabulary of the material and spiritual culture of the Tatar language; comprehensive study of the basic linguocultural concepts of the Tatar linguistic world-image; development and implementation of methods and principles for the compilation of ethno-cultural, linguistic-cultural and linguistic-cultural dictionaries on the basis of Tatar language materials.

The activity of the laboratory involves following tasks:

- conducting research on the programs of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and other scientific programs of the Russian Federation, regional scientific programs, international scientific programs;

- promotion of scientific research in the structural unit;

- establishment of scientific contacts and scientific and technical cooperation with educational and scientific institutions of Russia, countries of near and far abroad;

- practical approbation and implementation of the obtained results in the practice of enterprises, organizations and institutions of various forms of ownership and areas of activity;

- assistance in preparing students for the Institute's fields of work;

- Assistance in professional development of scientific and pedagogical staff;

- Introduction of the obtained results in the educational process in the field of student education;

- Attraction of talented students studying in relevant specialties, to scientific research in the early stages of education.


Functions of the laboratory:

- Conducting state budget researches in accordance with approved plans for the implementation of scientific research in KFU;

- R&D on the basis of grants received from various domestic and foreign funds and organizations;

- R&D based on business contracts and contracts;

- providing scientific, methodological, consulting, expert and other types of services in accordance with the main scientific fields and tasks of the laboratory functioning for enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership and spheres of activity, as well as for individual individuals;

- Conducting scientific seminars on relevant scientific fields;

- assistance in the training of specialists in higher professional education at all levels (grades) (bachelor's degree, specialist's degree, master's degree) in a number of related specialties and fields;

- assistance in organizing the research work of students in the process of performing student qualification works;

- assistance in the training of higher scientific qualification specialists via postgraduate study, aspiration and other forms.:

Results. The laboratory staff conducts scientific and practical research on the vocabulary of material and spiritual culture of the Tatar language in interrelation with history and culture, work is carried out to describe the thematic categories of the Tatar language vocabulary. A group of scientists developed and published I, II, III volumes of the Tatar language ethnocultural dictionary (with English translation):

1. Татар теленең этномәдәният сүзлеге: матди мәдәният лексикасы (ризык һәм савыт-саба атамалары) / Төзүче авторлар: Г.Ф.Җамалетдинова, Р.С.Нурмөхәммәтова, М.Р.Саттарова, Г.Н.Хөснуллина / Тәрҗемәчеләр: А.Х.Әшрәпова, Л.Р.Мөхәммәтҗанова, Л.Р.Мөхәрләмова, Л.Х.Шәяхмәтова. – Казан: Казан университеты нәшрияты, 2015. – 280 б. (Тираж – 1000 экз.)

2. Татар теленең этномәдәният сүзлеге: матди мәдәният лексикасы (кием-салым, тукымалар һәм бизәнү әйберләре атамалары) / Төзүче авторлар: Р.Р.Җамалетдинов, Ә.Ш.Юсупова Г.Ф.Җамалетдинова, Р.С.Нурмөхәммәтова, М.Р.Саттарова, И.И.Фазлыева, З.Г.Ханова / Тәрҗемәчеләр: А.Х.Әшрәпова, Л.Р.Мөхәммәтҗанова, Л.Р.Мөхәрләмова, Л.Х.Шәяхмәтова. – Казан: Казан университеты нәшрияты, 2016. – 288 б. (тираж – 1000 экз.)

3. Татар теленең этномәдәният сүзлеге: кешенең интеллектуаль һәм әхлак дөньясы лексикасы / Төзүче авторлар: Р.Р.Җамалетдинов, Р.С.Нурмөхәммәтова, М.Р.Саттарова, Ф.Р.Сибгаева / Тәрҗемәчеләр: А.Х.Әшрәпова, Л.Р.Мөхәрләмова. – Казан: Казан университеты нәшрияты, 2017. – 188 б. (тираж – 800 экз.).

At the present time we are conducting systematisation of scientific works in the field of linguoculturology and ethnolinguistics on the basis Tatar language materials. The bibliographic reference book "Tatar linguoculturology: bibliographic index" is being prepared for publication. Material for the directory has been collected and processed (scientific works works published in the XX-XXI centuries). A model of II-III parts has been prepared (1900-1999 editions, 2000-2010).