L.A. Nefediev, I.A. Rusanova, Electronic educational resource "Lasers" (2015).

Direction of preparation: 050100.68 pedagogical education

Specialization: Physics

Curriculum: Education in the field of physics, full-time education, 2013

Discipline: Lasers (magistracy, full-time education, 1st year)

The course forms at the students of knowledge in the field of modern methods and means of laser technologies, which widely used in various branches of science and technology, especially in the areas of precision instrumentation, microelectronics and medicine. Discipline lays fundamental knowledge in the field of widely used laser technologies related to modern technologies of create a new super-precision instruments in various branches of science and technology.

url of jobsite: http://tulpar.kfu.ru/course/view.php?id=2388

L.A. Nefediev, I.A. Rusanova, Electronic educational resource "Quantum Physics" (2014).

Direction of preparation:  050100.62  pedagogical education

Specialization: Physics

Curriculum: "Physics and Informatics" (full-time education , 2013)

Discipline: "Quantum Physics" (Baccalaureate,  full-time education, third year)

The course "Quantum Physics" is designed to study the fundamental principles of quantum physics, the formation of the modern physical picture of the world, mastery of theoretical and experimental methods for solving physical problems.

url of jobsite: http://tulpar.kpfu.ru/course/view.php?id=1414

L.A. Nefediev, I.A. Rusanova, Electronic educational resource "Optical Spectroscopy" (2014).

Direction of preparation:  050100.68, 050100.62  pedagogical education

Specialization: Physics

Curriculum: Education in the field of physics 2013 (magistracy, full-time education, 1st year),

Physics and Informatics 2013 (Baccalaureate,  full-time education, third year)

Discipline: Optical spectroscopy

This course is intended for third-year students and masters 1 course. The purpose of discipline is to teach students scientific knowledge on optical spectroscopy. The course complements and development of basic educational disciplines. It is introduced with the aim of broadening and deepening students' knowledge on optical spectroscopy.

url of jobsite: http://tulpar.kfu.ru/course/view.php?id=2297

L.A. Nefediev, e-course "Nonlinear Optics" Kazan, 2014. - electronic optical disc (CD-ROM).

L.A. Nefediev, e-course "Optical Spectroscopy" Kazan, 2014. - electronic optical disc  (CD-ROM).

L.A. Nefediev, e-course "Nonlinear Spectroscopy" Kazan, 2014. - electronic optical disc  (CD-ROM).

L.A. Nefediev, e-course "Methods of coherent and nonlinear optical spectroscopy" Kazan, 2014. - electronic optical disc  (CD-ROM).

L.A. Nefediev, e-Course " Modeling of optical of information recording"  Kazan, 2013. -electronic optical disc (CD-ROM).

I.A. Rusanova, Experimental and demonstration work "The study of atomic spectra" Kazan, 2014. - electronic optical disc  (CD-ROM).  url of jobsite: http://kpfu.ru/publication?p_id=84897

I.A. Rusanova, Teaching Materials "Oscillations and waves." - Kazan, 2014. - electronic optical disc  (CD-ROM).

url jobsite: http://kpfu.ru/publication?p_id=84898

L.A. Nefediev, Electronic course of lectures "Quantum Physics" Kazan, 2012. - electronic optical disc (CD-ROM).

url jobsite: http://shelly.kpfu.ru/e-ksu/docs/F70042717/КвантоваяФизика.zip

L.A. Nefediev, Electronic lectures, "Optics" Kazan, 2012. - electronic optical disc  (CD-ROM).

url of jobsite: http://shelly.kpfu.ru/e-ksu/docs/F1299734341/Оптика.zip    

L.A. Nefediev, Virtual physics experiments for the course "Quantum Physics" KVANT_PHYS_LAB, Kazan, 2012 - electronic optical disc  (CD-ROM).  url of jobsite: http://repository.kpfu.ru/?p_id=39399

L.A. Nefediev, e-course "Optical transients processes " Kazan, 2012. - electronic optical disc   (CD-ROM). 

url of jobsite:


url of jobsite:
