Department of Engineering and Technology (formerly the Faculty of General Technical Disciplines, then Technological and Economic) was founded in 1975. In 1979, the first graduation of teachers of general technical disciplines and labor took place.

Today students are trained at the department in the following areas:

23.03.01 Technology of transport processes, specialization Operation of vehicles (duration of training – 4 years)

44.03.01 Pedagogical education, specialization Technology (correspondence form of training, duration of training – 5 years)

44.03.04 Vocational training (by industry types), specialization Service and operation of motor transport, specialization Transport, specialization Decorative and applied arts and design (duration of training 4 years)

44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two training educational program specializations), specialization Technology and additional education (duration of training – 5 years)

44.03.05 Pedagogical education (with two training educational program specializations), Technology profile, Computer Science (training period – 5 years).

The program of training of highly qualified personnel (Master’s degree): 44.04.01 Pedagogical education (Engineering pedagogy)