The lab was established at the Department of General Psychology in 2010. It carries out fundamental and applied studies on the psychology of mental health.



The main functions of the laboratory are:


Establishment of scientific relations and scientific and technical cooperation with educational and scientific institutions in Russia and overseas;

Conducting scientific seminars;

Solutions and applications pertaining to the regulation of mental states;

Psychological services for organizations and general population.

"The mental states of stress, anxiety and psychological protection";

"Features of dynamics and structure of mental states in the context of development of religious consciousness";

"The study of psychological variables by psychophysiological methods";

"Trance states in daily activity of the subject";

"Features of relationship of reflection and mental states of students in different situations of educational process";

"Features of mental states' self-control by using different strategies of coping behavior";

"The spatio-temporal organization of an image of a mental state";

"Features of influence of subject mental states on his behavior in educational and work situations of life";

"The Influence of nonequilibrium mental states on semantic structures of consciousness";

"The Influence of a mental state on perception of subject images in everyday and stressful situations of educational activity";

"Features of interaction of mind and mental states of the subject";

"The Influence of specificity of small groups on an image of a mental state";

"Interaction of mental states and cognitive processes".



Research Consultant - A.O. Prokhorov;

Head - Melnikov Andrey Vladimirovich

Phone: +7 (843) 221-34-90

Address: 420021, Kazan, ul. M. Mezhlauk, 1., Room 109