For the students enrolled in bachelor's and specialist programs the Department offers following disciplines:

1. Health and Safety

2. Developmental Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene

3. Human Health and Safety in Emergency

4. Health Profile of School Students and the Reflection of Healthy Lifestyle Factors

5. Basic Medical Training and First Aid

6. Also carried out the teaching discipline "Health and Safety" in a foreign language.

For students enrolled in Bachelor of Education program, the Department offers the following disciplines:

1. Human Anatomy

2. Health Promotion for Developing Organisms

3. Human Physiology and Animals

4. Human Systems Phylogeny and Ontogenesis 

5. Features of Human Higher Nervous Activity 

6. Fundamentals of Pediatrics and Hygiene

7. Human Physiology

8. Anatomy and Developmental Physiology

9. Health and Safety in Emergency

10. Workshop on Physiology

11. Anatomy of the Central Nervous System

12. Anatomy and Human Physiology

13. Basic Medical Training and Health and Safety in Higher Education

Master's degree:

Master of Education degree in 050100.68 Biological education (Physiological aspect) 

And also in 2017 offers master of Education degree in "Physiological basis of functional diagnostics