Head of Laboratory:

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Maxim Talanov

Address: 420008, Kazan, 35 Kremlevskaya street, office 1402.

E-mail: max.talanov@gmail.com

Laboratory of Machine Cognition was opened at Higher Institute for ITIS  in 2014. Scientists of the laboratory work on creating of Machine Consciousness.

Major Fields of research:

- Machine cognition

- Neurobiologically inspired systems

- Cutting edge in AI

Key projects

-Spikes (joint projects with  KFU neurobiology lab)Process big data of cortical column of rat to find causality of the neurons spikes.

-Helper (joint project with Digital Media Lab) The aim of a project  is to provide universal and open source tool for neurobiological data analysis.

-NEUCOGAR.  Neuro cognitive architecture Validation of the neuropsychological model of Lövheim: model of computational emotions. Answering the question: “How can we make machine feel emotions?”

-Calvin (joint project with ARS chair). The aim of a project is  to create the new elemental basis for non- Von Neumann architecture of computers more effective and robust in real life environment.

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