Yulduz Galimzyanovna Nigmatullina,

Kazan Federal University,

18 Kremlevskaya St., Kazan, 420008, Russia,



The article presents further development of the topic “Tatar avant-garde as a component of ‘median culture” [1]. The Tatar avant-garde creative function is considered in a new perspective: the focus is on its role in the complex process of developing a Eurasian identity in the Tatar community. While admitting the relevance of ethnic self-identity and affirming the ideas of originality and self-sufficiency of Tatar culture, the artists of Tatarstan, at the same time, develop a sense of belonging to the spirit, culture and customs of other peoples of Russia. This tendency is a unifying spiritual factor as well as the basis for the effective interaction between different artistic styles in the contemporary art of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The article analyzes certain examples selected with the aim to present in general terms different variants of artistic and stylistic solutions to the investigated issue and draw attention to the folklore and historical sources of creating works of art.


Key words:the Republic of Tatarstan, visual arts, Tatar avant-garde, “median culture”, national identity, Eurasian consciousness.

