The head of the department is Irina Germanovna Kondratyeva, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.

At the moment the department consists of 50 members of teaching staff including 1 Professor, 2 Doctors of Science, 13 Candidates of Science, 14 Associate Professors, 17 Senior Teachers, 17 teachers, 1 Assistant, and 2 laboratory assistants and 2 technicists.

The average load comprises about 900 hours. The English language is taught in 11 institutes/faculties of natural science specialities to students enrolled in Bachelor's and Master's Degree Programs.  Specialized language training is carried out on 4 specialties (Geography with an additional specialty "Teacher of English", Biology with an additional specialty " Teacher of English", Information Technologies with an additional specialty "Teacher of English", Mathematics with an additional specialty "Teacher of English"). The department is responsible for teaching English language to the students studying by correspondence on 6 non-language specialties.

The main research fields of the English language department for natural sciences are carried out in the following areas of study: new tendencies of education abroad supervised by Valeev A.A., Doctor of Science, Professor; the history of pedagogics supervised by Fakhrutdinova A.V., Doctor of  Science, Associate Professor; the study of literature supervised by Shamsutdinova N.Z., Candidate of Science, Associate Professor.      

Every year research associates and graduate students of the department take part in the conferences organized by Kazan Federal University, in the Republican symposium "The questions of continuity in foreign languages teaching between schools and institutions of higher education", in the Regional Workshop "Foreign languages in modern world", in many scientific seminars, conferences and symposiums at international, republican and regional levels. Our teachers take language training courses in English speaking countries which allow them to deliver high quality educational standards with the help of the latest achievements of domestic and foreign theory and practice of foreign language teaching.

Our department holds a scientific-methodological seminar on the problems of bilingual training (an experimental platform is gymnasium No.140 in Kazan).

The department cooperates with the IT-lyceum, providing methodological support for rising pupils' level of language proficiency.

Annually the department conducts a scientific and practical conference in foreign language for the students of all faculties. The best reports are published as abstracts and articles.

The staff of the department masters its professional qualification and language skills taking part in various university programs and grants.

Contact information:

Address:          35, Kremlyovskaya str., Kazan, Russia, 420008.

2nd building, office 409

Phone: (843) 233-71-98