1. Vagizova V.I., Klaas J.A., Batorshina A.F. Financial stability assessment of regional banking sector under modern conditions by means of operating procedures of its determination  // Investment Management and Financial Innovations. - 2013. -№3 (SCOPUS)

2. Vagizova V.I. Implementation forms of institutional support for traditional and innovative development of national economic systems // Investment Management and Financial Innovations. - 2013. -№4 (SCOPUS)

3. Vagizova V.I., Lurie K.M. Clustering of Russian banks: business models of interaction of the banking sector and the real economy // Investment Management and Financial Innovations. - 2014. -№1 (SCOPUS)

4. Klaas J.A.,Vagizova V.I. Formation of sustainable development strategy of credit organizations based on Balanced Scorecard // Investment Management and Financial Innovations. - 2014. - № 1. (SCOPUS)

5. Klaas J.A., Vagizova V.I. Tools for assessing and forecasting financial stability of the commercial bank under conditions of instability // Investment Management and Financial Innovations.- 2014. - № 4. (SCOPUS)

6. Vagizova V.I. , Akhmetova G. ,  Homenko V.V. , Cluster initiatives of  interaction of banking and real sectors of the Volga region // Investment Management and Financial Innovations.- 2014. - № 4. (SCOPUS)

7. Andreeva O.V., Terenteva K.L., Khakimova L.I. Regional cross-border financial and industrial cluster and its effectiveness (research of the China's experience of financing the agricultural sector of the economy) // Investment Management and Financial Innovations.- 2014. - № 4. (SCOPUS)

8. Kasatova A.A., Zakhmatov D.Y. Macroeconomic conditions of interaction between financial sector and agribusiness // Investment Management and Financial Innovations.- 2014. - № 4. (SCOPUS)

9. Ikhsanova L.R. Lurie К.M., Bikchantaeva D.K. Quality of banking services as a tool for building "Bank - Real Sector" effective business models  // Investment Management and Financial Innovations.- 2014. - № 4. (SCOPUS)

10. Igonina A.S., Postalyuk M.P. Islamic  finance as an innovative tool for the development of the real economy in the Volga region // Investment Management and Financial Innovations.- 2014. - № 4. (SCOPUS)

11.  Protcko E.S., Dornberger U. The impact of market orientation on business performance – the case of Tatarstan knowledge-intensive companies (Russia) // Problems and Perspectives in Management.- 2014. - № 3. (SCOPUS)

12.  Protcko E.S., Dornberger U., Vagizova V.I.  The level of market orientation in Tatarstan high technology companies  (Russia)  // Problems and Perspectives in Management.- 2014. - № 3. (SCOPUS)

13. Bondarenko V. Banking Capital in Russia: Sufficiency, Adequacy of Market Value Evaluation // Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. - 2014.- Vol. 5, No. 24, November 2014. p. 423-438. (SCOPUS)

14. Klaas J.A., Khalilova M. H., Tufetulov A. M. Diagnostics of regional banking systems stability as instrument of integration // Academy of Strategic Management Journal. - 2016. - Volume 15, Special Issue. - pp. 64-72 (SCOPUS)

15. Duvalova E.P., Duvalova Y.I., Ikhsanova L.R., Tufetulov A.M. Market risks of financial sector and their impact on the regional institutions // Academy of Strategic Management Journal. - 2016. - Volume 15, Special Issue. - pp. 51-57 (SCOPUS)

16. Vagizova V., Karimullina A., Batorshyna A. Establishment  of the effective interaction between banking and construction sectors in the economy //  Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research. - 2016. - Volume 17, Special Issue. - pp. 57 - 63 (SCOPUS)

17. Bondarenko V.D., Vagizova V.I., Koczar J. Comparative analysis of impact of crises of 2008 and 2014 on banking capital in Russia // Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research. - 2016.  - Volume 17, Special Issue. - pp. 64-72 (SCOPUS)

18. Duvalova E.P., Andreeva O.V., Duvalova Y.I., Ivasiv I. Development of internet banking on banking services market // Academy of Strategic Management Journal. - 2016. - Volume 15, Special Issue. - pp. 58-63 (SCOPUS)

19. Ikhsanova L., Protsko E. Electronic banking: tool of transforming the interaction between banks and clients and improving the service quality of the Russian banks // Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research. - 2016. - Volume 17, Special Issue. - pp. 73 - 79 (SCOPUS)

20. Selivanova K., Protsko E., Koczar J. The features of credit institutions refinancing in the Russian Federation during the crisis // Academy of Strategic Management Journal. - 2016. - Volume 15, Special Issue.- pp. 81-87 (SCOPUS)

21. Vagizova V.,Terenteva K., Batorshyna A. Interaction of banks and the real sector of the economy as a factor for Volga region's sustainable development // Academy of Strategic Management Journal Volume 15, Special Issue. - pp. 99-105 (SCOPUS)

22. Igonina А, Mukhametov A.R. Sharia- compliant deposits: forecast аnd prospectives оf their аttracting in vоlga-region bаnk // Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research. - 2016. - Volume 17, Special Issue. - pp. 109 - 115 (SCOPUS)

23. Terenteva K., Ikhsanova L.Structure of financing infrastructure project as a factor of its effectiveness // Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research. - 2016. - Volume 17, Special Issue. - pp. 116 - 125 (SCOPUS)

24. Terenteva K., Vagizova V., Andreeva O. Assessment of regional transport infrastructure and financial institutions' potential in the effective cluster interaction // Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research. - 2016.- Volume 17, Special Issue. - pp. 126 - 132 (SCOPUS)

25. Terenteva K., Vagizova V., Selivanova K.Transport infrastructure as a driver of sustainable development of regional economic systems //Academy of Strategic Management Journal. - 2016. - Volume 15, Special Issue. - pp. 90-98 (SCOPUS)

26. Polteva T.V, Ajupov A.A Structed financial products in global financial market // Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research. - 2016. - Volume 17, Special Issue. - pp. 51 - 56 (SCOPUS)

27. Klaas J.A., Mavlina A.G., Ivasiv I. Zoning regional banking sector as a factor of its financial stability // Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research. - 2016. - Volume 17, Special Issue. - pp. 51 - 56 (SCOPUS)

28. Daryakin A.A., Kamalova A.I., Ulyanova L.A. Financial-credit support of innovative projects // Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research. - 2016. - Volume 17, Special Issue.- pp. 94-108 (SCOPUS)

29. Daryakin A.A., Klaas J.A. Identification of the regional banking systems sustainability as a key factor in the effectiveness of their integration // Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research. - Volume 17, Special Issue 2. - 2016. - pp. 15-26. (SCOPUS)

30. Klaas J.A., Daryakin A.A. The indicative model of financial stability management of the banking sector // Academy of Strategic Management Journal. - Volume 15, Special Issue 2.- 2016. - pp. 43-49.  (SCOPUS)