Duration of the project: 2011-2015


The main goal and objective of this project is to establish a training course «Coercivity spectrometry: theory, instrument and application in environmental research» for master students and PhD candidates. The course will be developed and designed at Kazan University in cooperation with the University of Bergen. The finished course will be incorporated in study programs at the universities of Kazan and Bergen. The course will be evaluated after 1 year, refined and offered to universities in Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Canada and other Russian and Norwegian universities. A second goal is to improve the performance and analysis of CS-data. This will be achieved by improving the algorithm of existing analytical program(s) for processing CS-data. One important aspect of this improvement will be to make the use of the program(s) user-friendly for researchers applying magnetic parameters in various scientific fields in geology, geophysics, biology, astrophysics, environmental research etc. The third goal is related to knowledge transfer that we will pursue by student exchange (MSc and PhD) between Universities at Kazan and in Bergen, as well as workshops at Kazan University. Participants will be scientists from Europe (Reidar Lovlie (University of Bergen, Norway), Ramon Egli (Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany), Simo Spassov (Centre de Physique du Globe de l'Institut Royal Météorologique de Belgique), David Heslop (Universität Bremen, Germany), Friedrich Heller (Institute of Geophysics ЕТН Zurich) and Karl Fabian (Geological Survey of Norway).

Partner university

University of Bergen, Department of Earth Science

Coordinator at KFU

Prof. Danis Nourgaliev, Institute of geology and petroleum technologies                                                          

KFU participants

Utemov Edvard

Kosareva Lina

Gilmanova Dilyara

Fattakhov Artur

Project activity
